Andi Ewington 🐉🐲🎲⚔️🏹 Profile picture
Writer of funny stuff you’ve never read…

Sep 13, 2021, 9 tweets

Catwalk D&D group:

Bard (again):

Got punched in the face by a disgruntled critic, now has no idea is she’s in tune or not. On the plus side, her armour class has improved drastically…

Catwalk D&D Group:

Bard (again):

Tried to stop a Barbarian-fuelled tavern fight with the power of song, now cursed to spend the rest of the adventure wearing a chair as a helm…

Catwalk D&D group:

Ranger (again)

Loves adventuring, but only in the evening and if the weather is nice. Hates snakes and will go batshit crazy if she spots one (bats are fair game though…)

Catwalk D&D group:

Cleric (again)

Continuously complained about how ‘dark’ the dungeon was and how she couldn’t ‘see’ anything; ended up being hurled through the first chandelier the Barbarian encountered…

Catwalk D&D group:

Paladin (again)

REALLY fucked off with the Rogue for pinching their golden helm and refusing to tell them where it is hidden. Close to breaking their alignment over it…

Catwalk D&D Group:

Necromancer (again)

Got REALLY cold on her last quest, so now over compensates by wearing a Giant’s missing sock. Insists on taking her favourite bedroll (named ‘Snood’) everywhere, but can’t move her arms—so reanimated the Ranger to carry ‘Snood’ instead…

Catwalk D&D Group:

Sorceress (again)

Tried to cook an omelette for breakfast but made too much mixture, before spilling some on her cloak. Now has to put up with the Barbarian’s comments about her ‘eggy smell’. Made to walk behind the rest of the adventuring party as a result…

Catwalk D&D Group:

Cleric (again)

Designated carrier of everything the rest of the group wants—but doesn’t want to carry. Has the deepest of pockets but not deep enough to buy a round of drinks for everyone. Frustratingly, can never find their door keys…

Catwalk D&D Group

Necromancer (again):

Reanimated the Rogue’s amputated hand and uses it to open locked doors (and give impromptu head massages). Still hasn’t found a suitable skin that fits…

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