Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

Sep 14, 2021, 9 tweets

There are currently 32 files uploaded to the private Facebook group Unmask Pennsylvania Students (60K+ members) various kinds of mask exemption forms, school board contact lists, a list of "vaccine attorneys" and a list of "Sheriff Duties" (from Sheriff Mack at CSPOA)

All sorts of handy resources for parents "taking a stand" against mask mandates in PA schools. Over 10,000 posts since the group was created on August 31.

Isn't it great how Facebook brings people with common causes together like this?

People are using these forms and reporting back if they work. I downloaded all the files today in case they get lost somewhere in the Facebook data abyss.

I almost forgot their @gofundme has raised over $33K…

A "Childrens' Freedom Rally" (sic) 🙄 3rd photo is a FB post I saved from just before Sept 7th when these people were trying to coerce their kids to do a mask protest.

Here's an anti-mask parent who spells it out: "isn't making our kids go to school maskless so us parents can make a point to the district just putting the kids in the middle of a fight?"

Yes, Karen. That's exactly what y'all are doing.

I recently got kicked out and blocked from ReOpen PA but don't think this madness is confined to just the one Facebook group.

They're using Facebook to coordinate multiple anti-mask lolsuits too. So that's great.

aaand there's a website. of course there's a website. domain created August 18, 2021. h/t @melwedde

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