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Emmy-winning Screenwriter, EP, Showrunner. #StarTrekProdigy on Paramount+. #TalesofArcadia (#Trollhunters, #Wizards) on Netflix. #Unikitty on CN. Secret stuff!

Sep 14, 2021, 9 tweets

FUN #STARTREK FACT: Many folks assume each era of Star Trek has a single uniform and Starfleet insignia... but this is rarely the case! In fact, Starfleet has always experimented in fashion -- from the age of Kirk and Spock, through TNG, DS9, Voyager, Nemesis, and beyond! (1/9)

In STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES, only the USS Enterprise crew consistently wore the traditional Delta symbol, while other officers from other ships and outposts might have their own wildly-shaped badges and unique uniforms! (2/9)

Of course, that doesn't mean the TOS Enterprise crew shied away from letting loose or looking fancy -- with bold casual duty outfits like Kirk's infamous tunic wrap, Sulu casual sweaters, and the occasional diplomatic ensemble for a tête-à-tête with Khan. (3/9)

In THE NEXT GENERATION era, Starfleet fashion only became more complicated. Formal wear, casual wear, utility suits, the skant (half-skirt, half-pant) were all equally allowed on deck. As Jellico makes very clear in "Chain of Command," it's all at the captain's discretion. (4/9)

With each installment, new uniforms were introduced, but the old often lingered in transition. Across Starfleet, styles seem to phase in and out not based on any mandate, but purely on the ship and location. In STAR TREK: GENERATIONS, we see two styles on the same bridge! (5/9)

This trend continues in DS9, where the "V turtleneck" was used on the station while other parts of the Federation retained classic TNG duds... even after DS9 switched to the grey "First Contact" look. In "Homefront," Sisko even changes to fit in on Earth, then changes back! (6/9)

Even badges can be murky. Along with TOS, there are other instances of different types of combadges co-existing. DISCOVERY's "Section 31" prototype combadge, LOWER DECKS new silver badge, Riker even shows up on VOYAGER in TNG duds fully aware of Janeway's mission! (7/9)

There are also badges shown in alternate futures, only for them to become real as the franchise progresses, most famously the future combadge in the TNG and VOYAGER finales and result in PICARD. Is it parallel thinking or fashion destiny? And what of the badges in-between? (8/9)

In conclusion, it's best not to think of #StarTrek fashion as a military organization built on uniformity. It's a coalition of scientists united by curiosity, and its clothing reflects that. They have trends by the ship, they're willing to experiment, and do it in style. (9/9)

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