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I delve into shadowy funding/networks of propagandists 2.0 (when I can). You can buy me research time here if you want: https://t.co/6xhHdSbuWY

Sep 14, 2021, 7 tweets

So I read that.
Here’s a little debriefing. (1/whatever).

1/ Save yourself some time.
The plan hasn’t changed since 2012.
(Other mouthpiece, same Dickens’ Era 2.0 on steroids. Fatima, you’d better move or take this tech training ASAP your job is about to be eradicated)

(I’m so curious)
Blah blah, blah blah
”We need free trade, people want free trade”
Hey Liz there’s a giant opportunity for free trade right next door it’s called the single market.
Oh no wait: not *this* free trade
”Subtle” hint about deregulation

3/ Aaah here comes the ”world-leading” interlude.
”Yo world we want to trade with you! We’re better than you on all counts, you s*ckers! Where’s our trade deal you lower beings?”

4/ It kind of sounds like feeding you U.K. people will soon become optional to prioritise exports.
Unless the U.K., that cannot produce enough food already, suddenly produce 10 x what it needs w/ no staff & no lorries
Yes I know it means cheap export for you &good food exported

5/ Were you tired of being ”at war” with the EU for everything and nothing? Good news: You’re now at war with the whole world.
But hey you’ll get a protective ring -was quite efficient in care homes innit?

6/ Last but not least: You’re all on board. Every single one of you. You don’t care about food on the shelves and/or your table, keeping your job and ‘Covid for all’ live trial
It’s all fine because ”world-leading” and ”global market”
Copyright ”What you voted for”

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