Nicolas Cole 🚢👻 Profile picture
On a mission to build the world’s biggest writing education business. | Co-Founder Premium Ghostwriting Academy, Ship 30 for 30, Typeshare. | Author of 10 books

Sep 14, 2021, 12 tweets

The OG Category Designers: Al Ries & Jack Trout

In 2001, these two ad executives wrote one of the most impactful books on Marketing Psychology, called "Positioning."

In it, they revealed the 9 secrets for getting into the mind of the customer.


Secret #1: Positioning is about being known in the customer's mind for something specific.

And the easiest way to do that is to be FIRST.

Their rationale was simple:

It's better to be first in a NEW category than try to be "better" in an existing category.

Secret #2: Choose 1 leading benefit.

Legendary copywriter, David Ogilvy, used this technique often.

The only way to become "known" in the customer's mind is to own 1 specific benefit.

(Listing lots of vague benefits like, "Great, terrific, super tasty," etc., does nothing.)

Secret #3: If you can't be first, be a DIFFERENT second.

Instead of competing with the competition, position yourself against them.

Own the position the customer has already placed you within their mind.

It's easier to be known for what you are.

Secret #4: You cannot overthrow a category leader at its own game.

We write about this often in Category Pirates.

Category Kings take 2/3 of the economics. Everyone else fights over the rest.

Do not bother attacking a category leader head-on.…

Secret #5: When you're No. 1, you don't have to say it.

Once you achieve a leadership position in the customer's mind, it's better to keeping marketing the CATEGORY.

Not the brand.

It's the category of "thing" you are known for that the customer remembers.

Not your logo.

Secret #6: Repositioning = reframing the competition's measures for success.

Comparison Marketing is where you show your brand side-by-side the competition: "30% sweeter! 10% cheaper!" Etc.

Repositioning is when you reveal the flaws of competition's CATEGORY.

Not brand.

Secret #7: Name your brand/company after the position you want to own in the mind.

Clear > clever

When your name represents "the thing" you are known for in the customer's mind, your position just got 10x stronger.

Secret #8: Don't try to extend your leadership position via your brand.

Outside of the position you own in the customer's mind, your brand is worthless.


• Google+
• Red Bull Cola
• Ford Electric

To expand to new categories, you must own new CATEGORY positions.

Secret #9: To position yourself/your business, think in reverse.

Start with what position you already own in the mind of the customer, and crystalize it.

Don't market your brand. Market your position within the category.

This is the big secret to "standing out."

If you're interested in learning more about positioning in today's digital age, I encourage you to educate yourself on Category Design.

Every week, @lochhead, @EddieWouldGrow and I write a "mini-book" on the topic here 👇

And if you want to learn how to start writing online, I encourage you to join the next cohort of Ship 30 for 30.

You'll learn how to write Twitter threads like this, as well as dozens of other Online Writing principles, frameworks, templates, and more.

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