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President, Founder @LiveAction. Subscribe to the Lila Rose Podcast. Defend the vulnerable, Live fully alive.

Sep 14, 2021, 7 tweets

BREAKING: At the request of abortion activists, @Google has just BANNED all of @LiveAction's pro-life ads, including those promoting the Abortion Pill Reversal treatment, a resource that has saved 2500 children to date.


.@Google has also banned the promotion of our Baby Olivia video, a medically accurate (& accredited by OBGYNs), lifelike animation of human development in the womb, citing “unreliable claims.”

This is the video banned from ads:


The now-banned Abortion Pill Reversal ads had been approved by @Google & running for over 4 months, spending over $170,000 & directing 100s of moms to the abortion pill reversal hotline

Abortion activists knew the ads were making a difference, so they had Google shut them down

Meanwhile, Google is permitting abortion facilities to advertise next-day abortions & abortion via mail

This is a blatant, political double standard: Google is ok with ads promoting life-ending drugs, but not life-saving treatments.

Where’s the “choice?” for women, @Google?

The Abortion Pill has killed at least 24 women & 3.7 million children

The Abortion Pill Reversal has saved 2,500 mothers & children from the violence of abortion

For more information about Abortion Pill Reversal, visit

The Daily Beast and other pro-abortion groups wrote a hit piece on Live Action’s pro-life ads & demanded Google ban all Live Action ads

@Google reps have yet to respond to our request for an explanation for how Baby Olivia or Abortion Pill Reversal ads violate policies.

They aren’t hiding their bias anymore: @Google’s censorship of critical pro-life information shows a blatant double standard & reckless disregard for human life & women's health.

Google must fairly apply its own policies & immediately restore pro-life ads.

RT if you agree!

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