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Feb 25 4 tweets 2 min read

The amazing times unborn babies saved their moms! ❤️

At 35 weeks pregnant, Amanda’s baby saved her life by applying pressure to stabilize a tear in her Aorta—the largest blood vessel in her body.

Emergency surgery saved them both! After a French mother suffered a uterine rupture, her unborn baby positioned himself against it, using his back as a "suction cup" to stop bleeding & prevent further tearing

He was born with major swelling on his back, but it healed within hours & both lives were saved! Image
Feb 22 10 tweets 2 min read

Planned Parenthood is in crisis.

A bombshell New York Times report exposes malpractice, deadly botched procedures, and horrific conditions inside their clinics.

Here’s what they don’t want you to know: Nakara Alston went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion at 8 wks

Weeks later, she was still bleeding

A pregnancy test was positive, but the clinic insisted there was no baby

12 wks later, she was rushed to the ER & gave birth

The baby died

She’s now suing for malpractice
Nov 9, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Life wins when there are enough resources to ensure voters know the truth and when we have political leadership that boldly leads. We saw this in Florida, South Dakota, and Nebraska, where we had the resources and leadership to win.

In the seven states, we lost. The pro-life side was outspent by tens of millions and lacked effective in-state leadership. We must face these realities and fix them.

Here is a breakdown of the pro-abortion agenda growing across the states and how we can fight back 🧵 Arizona previously had protections for preborn children after 15 weeks.

The state has now codified a "right" to intentionally kill preborn children up to so-called "viability." This arbitrary pregnancy marker is usually set around 24 weeks - even though children born as early as 21 weeks have survived.

However, vague language in this constitutional amendment will allow for abortions up to birth for essentially any reason.
Aug 29, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
The lives of innocent children are on the line this November as voters will directly weigh in on protecting children from death by the abortion industry.

Every pro-life American MUST VOTE in November to defeat these horrific pro-abortion initiatives.

The abortion lobby wants to eliminate protections for preborn children while enshrining a “right” to abortion in their state constitutions.

In states such as Florida, Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska and Arizona voting in November is CRUCIAL to defend life-saving laws. Florida

Amendment 4 proposes to codify an unrestricted “right” to abortion into the state’s constitution. If ratified, this amendment would:

Allow abortion up to birth for any reason

Render every pro-life protection - including the Florida heartbeat law along with health & safety laws - unconstitutional

Remove parental consent laws for minors

Allow non-physicians to commit abortions

Force the state to pay for abortions with taxpayer dollars

How To Vote: NO
Dec 13, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
The Kate Cox case is being heavily misrepresented

Here are the facts:

Cox has decided to kill her 21-week-old daughter because the baby has Trisomy 18.

The TX Supreme Court has ruled against a district judge’s decision, so Cox is traveling out of state to abort her child. According to court documents, Kate Cox was happy when she found out she was pregnant.

Until her daughter tested positive for Trisomy 18 — a genetic condition that causes physical growth delays during fetal development.
Nov 30, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Planned Parenthood believes children, “NO MATTER WHAT AGE,” are “entitled to sexual pleasure”

This ideology is about to be forced into the education systems of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific nations - impacting over 2 billion people - under international law.
The Samoa Treaty is a trade agreement between the EU and African, Caribbean, and Pacific nations that creates a legal framework the nations must abide by for the next 20 years.

If signed, each nation will be required to adopt abortion and sexual ideology into their laws.
Nov 9, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Hours before the UK government planned to remove an 8-month-old baby from her ventilator, the Vatican's pediatric hospital offered treatment at no cost.

Baby Indi’s parents are desperate to accept their offer, but the UK is refusing, insisting Indi must be “allowed to die.” Image Indi Gregory has a mitochondrial disease that prevents her cells from producing energy.

Children have survived for years with this condition.

Indi requires breathing support from a ventilator, but despite her condition, her parents say she is happy & responds to their touch.
Sep 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
2,500 babies are killed by abortion every day in the United States.

What happens to their bodies?

[Thread] Renee Chelian, owner of Michigan Northland Family Planning, joked at the 2014 National Abortion Federation conference that if it weren’t for the “PR nightmare,” it would be a “great idea” to burn the bodies of aborted babies for energy.
Sep 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is one of the most chilling examples of America’s abortion industry at work.

Over 16,000 aborted babies were discovered crammed inside a storage unit in a Los Angeles shipyard.

Hundreds were to the point of viability.

[Thread] Malvin Weisberg operated Medical Analytic Laboratories between 1976-1981. The lab conducted experiments on the remains of babies purchased from abortion facilities across California

To cut costs, Marvin disposed of the bodies in a rented storage container kept in his backyard
Sep 18, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Biden’s DOJ has convicted a 74-year-old wife & mother and thrown her in prison, where she will likely spend the rest of her life.

Her crime: Protecting defenseless babies from being killed.

[Thread] Image Joan is lovingly known as the matriarch of pro-life activism.

For 50 years, she has peacefully protested the violence of abortion through sit-ins and rescue missions.

She's been arrested over 200 times and spent more than 6 years in jail for her peaceful activism.
Aug 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The injustice seen in the court today is indicative of the injustice committed daily in America’s abortion mills

These pro-life activists should be seen as HEROES

Instead, Biden’s corrupt DOJ has acted out of malice towards those upholding the dignity of human life

[1/9] Image From day one, this trial has been discriminatory.

Judge Kollar-Kotelly, a Clinton-era appointee, is an open pro-abortion activist.

She recently suggested the 13th Amendment's ban on “involuntary servitude” confers a right to abortion, comparing motherhood to slavery.
Aug 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Artificial wombs are a fast-approaching technology.

In 2017, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia developed a Biobag that successfully gestated lamb fetuses to term

They hope to test this technology on human babies within the next few years.

[Thread] Image Artificial wombs could have a life-saving impact on preemies born weeks before the current point of viability

But some are more interested in using this technology to grow the surrogacy industry, advance transgender ideology, & erase the natural role of mothers in pregnancy & the bond they share with their babies
Aug 8, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Alexee Trevizo stuffed her newborn son in a garbage can and left him to die.

Hospital staff discovered the 38-week-old baby dead in a pool of blood with a plastic bag over his head.

Weeks later, Alexee was smiling at prom with her boyfriend.

[Thread] Image This true crime story is indicative of the psychopathic culture we live in.

Alexee didn’t call for help when her son was born but stuffed his body in the trash while he was still breathing.

When her family & boyfriend were questioned about the baby’s death, they laughed over……
Jul 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Two men hired surrogate Brittney Pearson to create their “dream family.”

By the end of the process, a 25-week-old baby boy was murdered.

[Thread] While pregnant, Brittney received a breast cancer diagnosis & decided to deliver the baby early at 25 weeks so she could receive chemo treatment while giving the child a possible chance of survival.

She said her thought was, “I want to keep this baby safe & bring it earthside.”
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Children are a gift. Tragically, IVF turns them into a product to be created, sold, & discarded.

A new satirical video by @ChoiceForTwo is casting light on the dark & deadly reality of the fertility industry. How does IVF work?

First, multiple eggs are fertilized. These new human beings are ranked based on arbitrary criteria & only the “best” are chosen.

The rest of these babies will be destroyed, stored in a deep freeze indefinitely, or sent to a lab for experimentation.
Jun 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The original feminists were pro-life:

Susan B. Anthony called abortion "child murder"

Elizabeth C. Stanton called abortion "infanticide"

Alice Paul called abortion the "ultimate exploitation of women"

Here’s how abortion activists hijacked the feminist movement. Larry Lader & Bernard Nathanson, founders of NARAL, sought to nationally legalize abortion.

But Lader knew his plan needed women as the focus: “If we’re going to move abortion out of the books and into the streets, we’re going to have to recruit the feminists.”
May 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why is modern dating so miserable?

Why is our culture's view of sex so broken?

One of the biggest influences on our understanding of sex today is Alfred Kinsey, one of the “fathers of the sexual revolution.”

His lifelong mission was to destroy the family.

[THREAD] Kinsey was on a mission to upend sexual morality and the family unit.

He opposed traditional marriage and taught that all sexual activity was normal - including pedophilia and bestiality.
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This young girl was put on hormone blockers at 12 yrs old, and had her perfectly healthy breasts cut off at 15 yrs old, by Kaiser Permanente.

She's now suing them for medical malpractice.

I hope she wins big and helps shut down this horrific industry.… Just devastating: “The name of the operation I went under was ‘double mastectomy with nipple grafts,’ meaning they make cuts under the breast and take out the tissue underneath,” she explained. (2/5)
Oct 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: This morning, the home of pro-life activist Chet Gallagher was raided by the FBI, guns drawn, over his peaceful activism to save preborn children. Several other activists have also been called to turn themselves in over the same incident.

RT!… In early March 2021, a pro-life group visited the Carafem abortion facility in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, as part of a “rescue,” an event meant to peacefully reach women seeking abortion to offer them resources to choose life for their preborn children instead 2/4
Sep 29, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read

Pro-abortion @GavinNewsom just signed 13 pro-abortion bills into law to expand child-killing in California.

Here’s what these egregious laws do:

RT A.B. 2223 is a pro-infanticide bill that blocks investigations into miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion even if a coroner sees evidence of foul play in the child’s death, including drugs in the baby’s system.
Sep 28, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read

Today, @LiveAction releases a powerful new campaign and report called Can’t Stay Silent which reveals the physical and mental trauma abortion inflicts on mothers and families.

RT! Image Abortion is devastating to the mental and emotional health of mothers, along with killing the living children inside them.

Most media, biased by their pro-abortion ideology, refuse to acknowledge the truth about abortion trauma and regret.
