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Wring a book https://t.co/xrjpfjiNRR | Accelerate yourself @roote_

Sep 14, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ This was excellent. Some of my learnings:

2/ DAOs don't make money. (No offense.)

They sell tokens or have investors.

3/ Lots of folks in China. @DAOSquare is a leader here.

4/ Solana and Binance combined equal ETH.

Expect more growth of all three imo.

5/ Holy shit, @Uniswap is universally loved.

6/ Crazy how much @poapxyz is used (tbh, I don't really get it).

@coordinape is an excellent way to allocate crypto funds in a DAO.

7/ Crazy high NPS for being in a DAO.

Doesn't include all the folks who dropped out though.

8/ Anywho, great stuff @gitcoin @banklessDAO! Thank you.

Excited to see 2022 edition too.

Also, would've loved to see:

1) How much money is currently flowing through DAOs. @DeepDAO_io stuff.
2) Current distribution of voting rights in DAOs. e.g. a16z.com/2021/08/26/ope… and
3) Felt like ya'll chatted with community folks but less VC DAO folks.

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