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Teacher at heart. Writing a book https://t.co/xrjpfjiNRR | Accelerate yourself @roote_ | 🔸10% Pledge #2899
May 2, 2022 • 37 tweets • 21 min read
1/ Saw this comment on @SamuelHBlack's stream the other day.

Is UWx really that much better in #MTGCapenna draft?

Yes! Let's use @17Lands data to show why. 2/ First, we can get an instinct on this by showing color pair win rates.

WU, GW, and WUG have by far the best WRs. All above 60% while next best is 57%.

Also note that you should draft two-color if you can. h/t @Sierkovitz
Oct 23, 2021 • 53 tweets • 95 min read
1/ Coming up from a deep dive on the DeFi 2.0 rabbit hole. My learnings:

I. Where Are We Now?
II. NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi Are A Feedback Loop
III. Crypto Is A "Nuclear Reactor" For Money and Memes
IV. What's Going On In DeFi 2.0?
V. Other Trends

rhyslindmark.com/defi2/ 2/ First off, I blame @jillrgunter
Sep 14, 2021 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
1/ This was excellent. Some of my learnings: 2/ DAOs don't make money. (No offense.)

They sell tokens or have investors.
Jun 11, 2020 • 30 tweets • 12 min read
1/ I'm excited to share a piece I've been working on for 3 months:

"We Need To Talk: Marriage Counseling with Capitalism Itself"

I'm proud of it! One review:

"It is SO good. I hope with all my heart that is the direction we are going towards."

rhyslindmark.com/marriage-couns… 2/The premise is funny—Humanity, Capitalism, and Post-Capitalism are in relationship therapy.

Their problem:
-Humanity has outgrown Capitalism
-But Humanity doesn't know what Post-Capitalism looks like

They focus on 4 pillars of post-cap through dialogue, VR, and illustrations.
Nov 18, 2019 • 29 tweets • 21 min read
1/ Thread from the @SimonsInstitute workshop on:

Blockchain in Society: Applications, Economics, Law, and Ethics.

Schedule and livestream here: simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/sche… 1a/ First, Kobbi Nissim on "Predicate Signaling Out". (PSO)

AFAIU, it is a technical definition of privacy that formalizes the legal requirements of GDPR. (Asks the question—when could an adversary "signal out" a single person/row from a database?)

Nov 1, 2019 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
(1/8) Wowowow. Super bullish on @ystrickler's Bentoism.

It's a ridiculously good synthesis and action framework for escaping our hidden default of financial maximization.

For any question, should I do ______?, ask {Now Me, Now Us, Future Me, Future Us}.

bentoism.org (2/8) Here is @ystrickler's Bento box. I strongly resonate with:

- Show people the Matrix {Now Me}
- Create a better Matrix {Future Me}
Oct 5, 2019 • 49 tweets • 282 min read
@socrates1024 @neha @ittaia @kanzure @dahlia_malkhi @Libra_ @LivepeerOrg @YondonFu @gnosisPM @AFDudley0 @AriJuels @initc3org 7b/ @arijuels looking into the game theory of these DEX arbitrage bots.

- Bots tend towards an equilibria (w.r.t. gas price)
- There are Wall St.-like latency wars! (Bots have started to do more raises over time.)

cc @phildaian

#CESSummit2019 @socrates1024 @neha @ittaia @kanzure @dahlia_malkhi @Libra_ @LivepeerOrg @YondonFu @gnosisPM @AFDudley0 @AriJuels @initc3org @phildaian 7c/ @AriJuels @initc3org

A great reminder that DEX arbitrage is just the tip of the iceberg—only .1% of total volume. See @BitwiseInvest report for example of CEX. (95% of reported volume is fake!)

Oct 5, 2019 • 17 tweets • 30 min read
1/ Thread from #CESSummit2019.

Starting with @neha @socrates1024's overview of the "why" for this event:

- Catalyzing a new interdisciplinary academic field to increase signal-to-noise.
- Experimenting with peer review, and how it should interoperate with IRC, forums, Twitter. @neha @socrates1024 2/ @ittaia on Decentralized Trust. Looking at "who can vote?"

- Proof of Authority (Libra, POA)
- PoW (Bitcoin)
- PoS (ETH 2.0, Tendermint)
- PoSpace (Chia)

All of these abstract to "money". Ittai asks: which ones lead to plutocracy, monopoly, and bribery?

Jul 29, 2019 • 25 tweets • 13 min read
1/ Great videos on how the data industrial complex enables puppeteers to manipulate us.

- @michalkosinski at @googletalks "The End of Privacy."
- @carolecadwalla @profcarroll #TheGreatHack on Netflix
- @tristanharris at US Senate 2/ Starting with @michalkosinski's talk from last Monday.

As most of us know, computers can predict a wide variety of things from a relatively small amount of data. Some examples:
Mar 22, 2019 • 56 tweets • 45 min read
1/ Nice picture of Detroit to start a thread for #RadicalXChange @RadxChange 👇 2/First off, how could I *not* come? Here are the #RadicalXChange speakers who've been on my podcast:

Podcast #6 @simondlr (1.5 years ago!)
#7 @ntnsndr
#31 @piamancini (@santisiri)
#37 @kimmaicutler
#38 @yaoeo
#55 @noUpside
#58 @glenweyl

Good crew.

Jul 29, 2018 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
1/ #Fomo3d is a variant on a well-studied game theory problem called "entrapment".

This is just the start of "Game Theory As A Dark Art."

Here's what we can learn from it 👇 2/ A popular entrapment game is an "all-pay auction" (where each bid costs money). This is similar to FOMO3D where you need to pay each time you "take" the private key.

Max Bazerman (a professor at Harvard) has run all-pay auctions for $20 bills with his class. Results 👇
Jul 22, 2018 • 29 tweets • 18 min read
1/1 Tweet thread from @NECSI's (New England Complex Systems Institute) annual conference, #ICCS2018.

@stephen_wolfram remembers the founding of modern complexity science in the 80s when his physics toolkit wasn't able to explain certain fluid dynamics. 1/2 @stephen_wolfram luckily had been coding, which had the mindset: create a certain set of primitives and then propagate them to learn about the world.

This same mindset could be used with complex systems: take primitives then propagate them and see what happens.

Jul 20, 2018 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
1/15 Let's critique @paulg's Sep 2012 essay "Startup = Growth" in our current context.

Though it was "correct" at the time, I think it has socialized Growth Maximalism into Tech, which is bad for us.

paulgraham.com/growth.html 2/ Note: this is an example of general category of ideas that were "good" in the past, but don't align with our current context.

- "Past Good, Present Bad"
- t = 0, y = 100; t = 1, y = 0
Jul 19, 2018 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
(1/12) Here's a tweetstorm version of my book outline!

If you'd like to read or give feedback on the full outline, see the final tweet for my Medium post. (Thanks!) You should read this book if you're interested in our current macro technosocietal context. I explore this in three parts:

Part I: Frameworks for Understanding (How to understand?)
Part II: Understanding Itself (What is happening?)
Part III: Actions (How to move forward?)
May 10, 2018 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
A surprising/nostalgic list about "the state of crypto" at NYC Blockchain Week last year:

1/ Total crypto market cap was only $50B. 2/ It wasn't called "Blockchain Week". It was only the 1st year for @EtherealSummit and @token_summit.