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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Sep 14, 2021, 7 tweets

.@RepGaramendi praises Gen. Milley for reportedly telling China he’d tip them off in the case of war w/ the U.S.: “Trump was unhinged by the election … I believe Milley would do that … he would call a meeting, given the concerns of an unhinged president”

@RepGaramendi CNN’s @jamiegangel: “Milley may be criticized for what some may think was overstepping his authority, but according to Woodward & Costa he felt he couldn’t trust Trump and that he needed to take any and all necessary precautions to prevent him from doing something dangerous."

@RepGaramendi @jamiegangel CNN’s @MarkHertling: “Gen. Milley took some very prudent measures … What he did was ensure the guardrails were in place. So I give him high marks for this based on what’s described in the book."

@RepGaramendi @jamiegangel @MarkHertling MSNBC’s Gen. McCaffrey defends Gen. Milley: “It’s part of the deterrence of unwanted combat. I think he felt it important to not end up with a World War I start of a war through miscalculation ..."

@RepGaramendi @jamiegangel @MarkHertling .@StephenAtHome defends Gen. Milley for usurping Trump: "Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley 'feared the former president would launch a nuclear war' … But going nuclear makes sense for the former president; after all, he is a fat man who acts like a little boy."

@RepGaramendi @jamiegangel @MarkHertling @StephenAtHome .@JoeNBC attacks Republicans criticizing Gen. Milley for usurping Trump: “Are you so stupid, I just got to ask, are you so stupid, are you so ignorant of how things work that you don’t know that from time to time generals talk to generals?"

@RepGaramendi @jamiegangel @MarkHertling @StephenAtHome @JoeNBC MSNBC’s @mikebarnicle: Gen. Milley circumventing Trump to personally conduct foreign policy with China was “just common sense”

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