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Sep 15, 2021, 9 tweets

#CARecall As we wait for precinct-level data to report some first looks at county level trends in Democratic vote -- Orange County currently 58% NO, it's highest Democratic vote in modern times, 8 points higher than Newsom 2018

#CARecall in conservative Kerns County (Bakersfield) the No on Recall is nearly 4 points MORE Democratic than the 2018 Newsom-Cox vote and currently exceeds Biden 20 margin by 1 point.

#CARecall county data in #InlandEmpire Riverside County shows current No on Recall vote at 54% exceeding the 49.8% which Newsom received in 2018

Staying in the IE, big surge in Dem vote share in San Bernardino #CARecall with 58% voting NO, over 6-point gain from 2018 election Dem vote

#CARecall -- In heavily Democratic Alameda County in the Bay Area no signs of Democratic drop-off with No on Recall hitting 85% in Alameda, up from 80% for Newsom in 2018 -- precinct level data coming soon

#CARecall -- Moving to the #CentralValley Fresno County reporting 4 point increase in Democratic vote over 2018 with 53.6% No on Recall

#CARecall if you've been waiting on #LACounty data, @MichaelHerndon_ has been spot on all night tracking this sucker, and we see about 5-point increase in Dem vote share compared to 2018 so far, with in-person votes likely to bring that down a little (not much)

#CARecall Back to the #BayArea to Santa Clara County where right now Newsom has improved by 7 points over his 2018 margins with 78% No on Recall

#CARecall San Diego County matching 2020 Biden vote at over 60% No on Recall nearly 10 points more Democratic than 2014 Jerry Brown election

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