#NAIDOCweek #NAIDOC2024 Profile picture
This week @BronFredericks @BlackwellJ_ are sharing news from #NAIDOC2024. Previously this account was covering #EACH24. Curated by @MelissaSweetDr

Sep 15, 2021, 8 tweets

And now we're up to the final #YHFSummit session: being led by @jahintanvir_ and @andrewhollo - to develop the Call to Action, with artwork from @101Storytellers

Big ideas, notable ideas, exciting ideas: bringing together some of the major issues from #YHFSummit @jahintanvir_

#YHFSummit (sorry, hard to read all the bits, will expand in our upcoming story at @CroakeyNews)

And that's a #YHFSummit wrap says @LeanneWells63 and from @WePublicHealth

You can bookmark this link croakey.org/category/croak… for our further coverage in the coming days

Plz let us know what stood out for you

plz unroll @threadreaderapp

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