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Honk honk! Me/I/I'm

Sep 15, 2021, 8 tweets

The number of hospitalizations linked to covid-19 in Ontario, 2020-21, relative to historical benchmark levels for influenza and pneumonia.

The number of deaths from/with covid-19 in Ontario, 2020-21.

The number of ICU admissions from/with covid-19 in Ontario, 2020-21.

ON cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, indexed to values 1 year earlier. The black line (index = 100) is where we were 365 days ago (all values indexed to values on that date).

(Below black bar = lower than one year ago today; Above black bar = higher than one year ago today)

Weekly all-cause deaths and deaths with/from Covid-19 in Ontario, 2010-2021 (subject to Statistics Canada reporting delay for all-cause deaths.)

Ontario - The proportion of cases (positive test results) resulting in death (yellow line). (Daily reported deaths divided by average daily cases over prior 28 days.)

Ontario – Cumulative case fatality rate (CFR). The proportion of cases (positive test results) resulting in death (yellow line). (Cumulative reported deaths divided by cumulative cases.)

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