Coach Ennie ~ Life and Careers πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΌπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸŒ Profile picture
Certified Career Coach; Life Coach; and Leadership Coach. Learning and Development Expert. Motivator. NGO work: Director, Locally Led Development @Humentum_org

Sep 15, 2021, 12 tweets

I was head hunted for my 1st NGO job, not because I was looking, but it was based on 2 recommendations from volunteer work.

Volunteering is one way to get an NGO job, to build your network, to develop skills, build experience and to grow your career.


A thread


Some jobs are not advertised, but you are invited to apply based on referrals.

My first paid NGO job was with KAF-Zim as a Programme Officer in 2002. The Res Rep asked for referrals from his network, 2 leaders I have volunteered for, separately recommended me for the interview.

At any stage in your career, you will not have the required skills or experience from paid wok, you can develop this from volunteer work.

I learnt program design and coordination from volunteer positions I held in high school, college and even now 20 years into NGO global work.

You can learn about and get into NGO work via volunteering.

1996/Form 6 I helped build a bridge in Mwenezi πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό at the Young Christian Students (YCS) Work Camp.

2006 I got an INGO job. I included this & other volunteer work in my CV & Career Portfolio I applied & interviewed with

Volunteering should be mutually beneficial. You gift your time and skills to the receiver. You gain a space to grow skills, gain experience or showcase them for referrals /CV development

I use this career development tactic. E.g support to YCS in 2015 with strategy development.

Often work experience and skills you want are not part of your paid job. Volunteering can help you to build skills, multiple career paths & job options that futureproof you.

E.g I learnt youth leadership development in this way, with YCS in Zim, SYWON in Swaziland & youth groups

Volunteering your time and skills at any career stage, can profile you, connect you to key people for career growth or job search.

I search for 2 volunteer speaking events per year. E.g. in 2016 I was part of theSpace Zim initiative, which connected me to #futureofwork networks.

As you progress in your career, recognition of the knowledge, skills and expertise your have by your professional peers. You can gain leadership experience by volunteering to be part of industry oversight bodies or Boards.

E.g. I'm on the @humentum_org Global Learning Council.

Volunteering for a project or an initiative can be a space to practice and develop your skills, which helps with career growth.

Social media now enables us to do this with anyone
and get global exposure.

E.g. I volunteer with @TimBarry to co-Host #JobAdviceSA weekly chat.

Networks are key for business, job search and career success. Your school alumni is a source of volunteer & networking opportunities.

I'm Coordinator in Fletcher Old Students Association Committee. I host & manage a weekly Connecting Hour Program that helps me profile my skills.

Volunteering can be a strategic career development or job search tactic. It helps if you:

- have goal/s
- find an aligned volunteer opportunity
- ask for a job description and a Volunteer Contract
- invest time
- review and learn
- ask for a reference after
- enjoy!


If you found this useful, follow @EnnieChipembere for more tweets or threads on job search advice, job application support, job search plan development, CV review and interview preparation services.

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