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Sep 15, 2021, 6 tweets

”Get me out of here” minister announced.
But what’s her plan for culture?
Get ready to stop the cancel culture by patriotically cancelling the alleged culture cancellers.
“Long live the Party and the one true partiotic culture“

I’m fully ready for her announcement that everyone must master the English language as that is a crucial part of British culture.

Seen on govt’s WhatsApp:
“Maths isn’t part of culture doesn’t it?
“Who cares, remember Raab and Geography? The stupidest you sound, the more uneducated people will like you for facing what they often faced.“

“Got that“
“Oh and maybe use that to spread a little racism“
“Already there“

I must admit I didn’t have the “Let’s kill premature babies” card.

Apparently that is now British culture.

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