Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Sep 15, 2021, 6 tweets

This is how Joy Reid opened her show tonight -- more rhetoric that will get conservatives hurt: "A message to Republicans: Okay, we get it! Covid is the precious & you love it. You love Covid so much you want it to spread...You want it pumping through your veins."

Joy Reid is such a poisonous human being it's safe to say she doesn't care about the lives of conservatives and Republicans. Here she is saying tens of millions of Americans ALL "love Covid so dadgum" much and are "weirdos" who want "Covid running wild."

Words matter, Joy!

A few moments later, Joy Reid says tens of millions of any and all conservatives and Republicans...
- Have a "thirst for Covid"
- Want to "threaten" the "safety" of their own kids
- Like attending funderals
- Are part of a "Covid-loving death cult"
- Don't like being alive

Reid to David Plouffe: "Are you surprised that Republicans have seemed to embracing Covid as the precious and trying to get it into every school building, cruise ship, job place, Walmart, Texaco, everywhere?"

Of course, Plouffe agrees.

This is what hatred looks like.

Joy Reid says this is what all conservatives and Republicans are thinking right now about Covid: "Give us more. Inject it in us. Is there a way we can drink it in a kool-aid cup? Because we want it & we want it bad & we want [Newsom] to get out of our way & we want our Covid.”

To see my full wrap-up of this insane Joy Reid segment, check it out here at @NewsBusters -- VENOMOUS Joy: GOPers ‘love Covid so much’ they want to ‘drink it’ like ‘Kool-Aid’…

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