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Staff writer @Forbes focused on money and politics • Reported on Trump Hotel DC for @1100penn • Tip? Mobile/SMS/Signal 202.804.2744 or

Sep 16, 2021, 11 tweets

A Florida GOP group fights against vaccine mandates and for election integrity.

It just told the FEC it might miss a campaign-filing deadline because its bookkeeper died from Covid-19.

for @Forbes…

@Forbes The Hillsborough County Republican Party Executive Committee's @Facebook page rails against mask mandates, vaccine requirements, and lockdowns.

And it is very much concerned with election integrity.


@Forbes @Facebook On Tuesday though, Tampa-arae GOP group told the Federal Election Commission that it may miss the next filing deadline, because its bookkeeper died from Covid-19 and no one else knows how to use the software.


@Forbes @Facebook Just two weeks before its bookkeeper died from Covid-19, the Hillsborough GOP presented an award to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

@mtgreenee has repeatedly spread misinformation about the virus.

(Its unclear if the bookkeeper attended the event.)


@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee On @Facebook, news that the Hillsborough GOP's bookkeeper died from Covid-19 was met with

✅calls that it was murder

✅ praise for ivermectin

✅offers from a wellness coach to share her “amazing protocol”


@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee And as @travis_view noted, in 2018 the Hillsborough GOP promoted a pro-Qanon video

@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee @travis_view Update re: the Florida county GOP bookkeeper who died from Covid.

His misinfo-spreading friend who shared news of the death on Facebook briefly opened up the post to public comments.

It's going just like you'd expect.


@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee @travis_view I asked Marjorie Taylor Greene's spokesperson if she was near the Hillsborough County GOP official who died from Covid two weeks she spoke at a dinner there.

The response—


@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee @travis_view For the record, my answers are

- No
- No
- No
- You'd have to ask the White House.
- Glad to see flights were suspended and know US children are supposed to receive the MMR vaccine.
- One double-layered mask with a disposable filter, washed after a day of wear.


@Forbes @Facebook @mtgreenee @travis_view Update—

Through a spox, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga) said—

✅ she won't answer my questions until I start contact tracing every undocumented immigrant

✅ shame on Forbes for paying me

✅ wearing a mask may be lowering my IQ

@Forbes @Facebook Update re: the Florida county GOP bookkeeper who died from Covid—

The Facebook post sharing news of his death is no longer publicly available.

(The post and comments had included a lot of false claims regarding Covid-19.)


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