ALT-immigration FUK StubHub Profile picture
Misfit | Not on gov time or tax payers $. As of November 19th 2022, I am Still blocked by Donald J Trump, since 2018. salty asshole

Sep 16, 2021, 5 tweets


Here is some soundbites from your latest defender, the convicted felon @DineshDSouza, about race and racism.
He mainly attributes racism as simple explanation of other non western cultures being " hopelessly primitive" being intellectually inferior to europeans


Here is part 2 of @DineshDSouza basically saying poor black folks are barbaric and the enemy within

If you dont want to watch the 4 minute clips above showing dinesh d Souza explaining racism is nothing but the difference between primitive people and the west, here is a summary:

and the bullets points of @DineshDSouza 's arguments about racism ( 1995)

Continued: Dear @NICKIMINAJ

Here is a video from your other latest ally, @RealCandaceO, saying what is the big deal about George Floyd since he had a criminal record.
there are more videos of her defending white supremacy, saying racism doesn't exist..

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