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Academic piracy here. Social science: Substack: Nothing here represents Rutgers.

Sep 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Shall we "follow the science"? A short thread of sources on Things That Do Not Work* to Increase Social Justice:
Trigger Warnings
Diversity Trainings
Implicit Bias Trainings.
*=Tests of their effectiveness fail to show any.

Trigger Warnings Do Not Work.
and likely cause more harm than they prevent (which is not hard, because they prevent hardly any harm).

Diversity Trainings Do Not Work I

(Note: Only showing images of the papers, most can be easily found using Google Scholar).

Implicit Bias Trainings Do Not Work

Implicit Bias Trainings are Useless: An Overview…

Mandatory Implicit Bias Trainings are so bad that even one of the country's foremost advocates of the concept of implicit bias says "Don't do this."…

Bonus: Empirical tests of Prejudice Reduction Techniques, Writ Large:
Produce effects shrinking to near 0 effects when tested w/large samples
Are rarely tested in the real world (as opposed to lab)
Rarely test actual behaviors.

To be clear, I generally think "people hating other people for no good reason" is bad and trying to get people to stop hating each other if they have no good reason is a worthwhile endeavor.

That's a big "if" especially if we include "people think they have good reasons." As communicated in the images shown here.


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