David Carroll 🦣 Profile picture
associate professor of media design at Parsons, subject of The Great Hack (2019) on Netflix, boardmember @checkmyadshq @fboversight, admin of https://t.co/Vt7rrEGFzb

Sep 17, 2021, 7 tweets

Friday’s installment of #FacebookFiles based on leaked internal docs reveals how despite Facebook’s unconditional optimism, it has failed to prevent a few people from succeeding wildly at systematically pumping anti-vax content into post comments. wsj.com/articles/faceb…

Some highlights for the paywalled from today’s #FacebookFiles on its mega fail fighting anti-vax wsj.com/articles/faceb…. Via @JeffHorwitz and co

Despite virtually unlimited resources, the company finds itself unable to solve fundamental patterns of malfunction and social harm with seemingly obvious solutions: ban the bad actors and take the political fallout on the chin. #FacebookFiles

Despite virtually unlimited resources, Facebook’s engineering prowess is at times bafflingly incompetent. Their vaunted AI seems dumb as a rock. #FacebookFiles

Devoid of courage, leadership prefers turning the dials so they can avoid political fallout and mute the drumbeat of bad PR. Only when the house is on fire do they finally decide to act. But of course, it’s far too late by then. #FacebookFiles

FB Memo: 41% of the 755M DAILY IMPRESSIONS of vax comments were anti-science.

Zuck undermines his own philanthropy because he has lost control of his beast. #FacebookFiles

Facebook is too big to not fail. What if the only real solution is abolition? #FacebookFiles

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