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Sep 17, 2021, 8 tweets

In a statement, @WorldBank decided to discontinue its Doing Business ranking citing confirmation of data irregularities on Doing Business 2018 & 2020 reports following series of reviews and audits. What it doesn’t mention is that China was the culprit!…

Let me take you into year 2009 when James Chanos predicted collapse of China citing fraudulent data.

In China, Chanos found another Enron type “trust me” story -Chanos first predicted collapse of Enron. Chanos has since been repeating his 2009 piece…

What @WorldBank statement didn’t mention is how China played the role in discontinuance of the Doing Business Report for the way it tried to manipulate its ranking from 85 to 78 in 2018. This report was prepared by Wilmerhale and can be checked here —->…

What this report by Wilmerhale proves is that Indian performance in Doing Business Ranking was actually clean and it again reinforces the belief and trust in the sanctity of Indian data.

At the same time, it proves what Chanos has been saying since 2009 about China!

Taking cue from this collage compiled by @iAnkurSingh - one really wonder as to how can @pujamehra and @rupasubramanya claim to be writing on Economic matters - why can’t they read the report… - rest least said the better abt @Jairam_Ramesh !

Often in the past,many Modi hating media hit squads trashed India’s good performance at EODB rankings of @WorldBank & even questioned it. Wonder what will they say now that China has been established as the reason for discontinuance of Doing Business rankings while Ind was clean!

Such is the hate of likes of @pujamehra & @rupasubramanya etc for @narendramodi that instead of questioning the real culprit China, they are casting aspersions on India, that was NOT even the subject of enquiry- why can’t these challenged folks read report…

You know what @pujamehra and ace economist @rupasubramanya - I have a bad news for u - this discontinuation of Doing Business rankings has conclusive proven what was said in a hush-hush tone - that China is an emperor in underwear. Guess what, India is actually a beneficiary now!

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