Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan

Sep 17, 2021, 9 tweets

There was nothing unusual about what the US did in Afghanistan: extinguishing an entire family and then getting friendly NYT & NBC reporters to ratify their lie that they killed terrorists but no civilians - except this time the whole world was watching:…

One of the most embarrassing tweets from a major media figure in years, though highly illustrative of how they so often do the propaganda work of the CIA, the Pentagon and other security state agencies:

Anyone honest knows what happened: the Biden WH, facing rage over the attack at Kabul Airport that killed 13 Marines, was desperate to do *something* -- anything -- to make Biden look tough, so they wiped out a whole family to avoid a bad news cycle accusing him of weakness.

Now that the Pentagon was forced (by an excellent NYT investigation) to admit it killed no ISIS terrorists but instead bombed an aid worker moving water bottles, you can so vividly see how these security state people like total sociopaths without blinking

Pure sociopathy:

For the last decade, this is how it's gone:

-- US shoots missiles via drones
-- US does so despite having no idea who it is killing
-- Pentagon issues press release claiming all the dead are "terrorists" or "militants"
-- US media prints this despite have no idea who was killed.

The only thing different this time is that the US Government got caught because all eyes were on Kabul because Afghanistan was swarming with international media due to the withdrawal, so they got caught. But this has happened over and over and over:…

They don't do accountability or self-critique, so they do this instead:

"Pentagon acknowledges Aug 29 drone strike in Afghanistan was a tragic mistake that killed 10 civilians" - released on Friday afternoon when everyone in DC knows is when you admit things you want to be quickly forgotten. Don't let this crime be forgotten.…

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