Michael Sheetz Profile picture
Director of Investor Relations @Firefly_Space | Previously @CNBC

Sep 17, 2021, 7 tweets

The Inspiration4 astronauts — commander Jared Isaacman, pilot Sian Proctor, medical officer Hayley Arceneaux and mission specialist Chris Sembroski — are giving a live video update from orbit for about 10 minutes.

cnbc.com/2021/09/17/spa… #SpaceX #Inspiration4

The crew are giving a look out the cupola, but it's a bit dark as the capsule is currently above Europe:

.@DrSianProctor created art using markers, and drew "the Dragon capsule being carry by a dragon off Earth."

@DrSianProctor And @ChrisSembroski broke out the ukulele:

@DrSianProctor @ChrisSembroski .@ArceneauxHayley has been "spinning from the moment we got to orbit"

@DrSianProctor @ChrisSembroski @ArceneauxHayley .@rookisaacman: "We're really proud to share this experience with everyone. We know how fortunate we are to be here." #Inspiration4

@DrSianProctor @ChrisSembroski @ArceneauxHayley @rookisaacman A wave goodbye, after 10 minutes broadcast live across the internet from orbit:

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