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Sep 17, 2021, 10 tweets

Continuation of prior thread on Sussmann Indictment. Link is:

35/ by mid-Sept 2016, technical researchers had concluded that Tea Leaves' narrative couldnt pass scrutiny by DNS experts, not least because the supposed DNS transactions could easily be spoofed merely by inserting fake email address (of target victim) into web page of contact

36/ at present, due to research by Fool Nelson and Walkafyre, Tech Exec 1/Max identified as Rodney Joffe of Neustar, Originator 1/Tea Leaves as April Lorenzen, University-1 as Georgia Tech and Researcher 1 (or 2) as David Dagon. H/t to Daniel Jones of TDIP for key hints

37/ during September, as discussed in prior thread, Sussmann and [Joffe] (square brackets denote proposed identification, for person identified by descriptor in indictment) drafted a "White Paper", designed to throw mud at Trump, while evading and concealing defects in their case

38/ back to chronology. On Sep 17, two days before meeting with Baker, Sussmann talked to Researcher-2 at [Georgia Tech], asking that R-2 talk to media and asked R2 to comment on White Paper prepared by Sussmann and [Joffe] and one prepared by Fusion GPS on Alfa.

38/ Sussmann prepared for his Sep 19 meeting with FBI's James Baker over weekend, billing time to Clinton campaign

38/ Durham has lengthy paragraph on Sep 19 meeting betw Sussmann and FBI. Despite Sussmann direction from and billing to Clinton campaign, Sussmann told FBI that he was "not acting on behald of any client".

39/ a detail here on Researcher -2: he drafted paper entitled "Time Series Analysis of Recursive Queries". Dagon is only Georgia Tech researcher identified for "sure"; maybe this topic will enable someone to identify the other Georgia Tech researcher.

40. after meeting with Sussmann, Baker met with Peter Strzok (AD Counterintel), whose notes show that Baker told of Sussmann's representation that he was "doing this for any client" - the lie that Sussmann was eventually charged on.

41/ as Sussmann had planned, FBI did open an investigation of Sussmann's (fabricated) allegations.

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