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History person, Army officer, transplanted Buckeye. Writes stuff. Some Star Wars. One half of @warstoriescast. Views do not reflect or represent the DoD's.

Sep 18, 2021, 13 tweets

I love Calvin and Hobbes for so many reasons, but this strip showcases how much emotion Watterson packed into one page, without even needing words.

I mean...not wrong, Calvin, not wrong

And here we have a representation of the military decision making process in action

Calvin's right on track to being a staff officer, this is better staff work than I've seen out of half the staffs I've worked on

Great power competition in a nutshell

This also just reminds me that it has been far too many years since I've made a proper snow fort

This is a skill that one should not let atrophy

Listening to Bach and reading Calvin & Hobbes is my reversion to childhood

Take that for what it's worth. But Calvin ain't wrong, it's all ad-libbed, as Calvin's dad says in another strip

Hmmmm, this explains a lot about my development

Here, Watterson illustrates that national security strategies are useless unless tailored to environmental constraints

And this, of course, demonstrates the flaws in many a weapons platform.

Cough cough *Zumwalt Class* cough cough

Calvin's dad channeling some real maneuver field grade officer energy here

The Confederacy, demanding US forts, arsenals, and other federal property upon secession:

The timeless principle that fixed fortifications are vulnerable to maneuver forces

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