Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Sep 18, 2021, 9 tweets

Good morning!

Here at the West Side of the Capitol, stage being assembled for “Justice for J6” defendants rally.

Police have two layers of barricades and then a line of cops standing between the rally point and the Capitol reflecting pool.

The one lone counter-protest display adjacent to the rally has a request to investigate a specific state Senator listed on it addressed to the January 6 commission, and the word “loser” on a Trump-style banner.

Frontline officers mostly with normal outfits plus helmets.

Police tell lone counter-protester that they’ll have to leave this entire park area by permit time for event, which extends to adjacent sidewalk.

Media begins to assemble around the rally stage outside the Capitol.

I want to have a pretty complete accounting of today, so while the event won’t be starting for another couple hours, I’m going to begin live feed shortly.

Info to follow

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The app I use currently doesn’t work on Twitter.

A reminder that footage is available to embed or LICENSE.

People who rip footage without a license will be invoiced.

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Live feed on Twitter worked, but phone overheated.

Here’s what’s happened so far as they prep. I’ll try to begin live feed again soon.

CodePink is out here saying “We stand against fascists” and “Jan6 rioters, go to jail.”

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