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Science is the only way.

Sep 18, 2021, 7 tweets

I thought we have agreed walls were wrong

I thought we all believed splitting families was wrong

I thought we've learned some lessons from History

In the pictures, Berlin wall and Australia Covid wall

Do you really, really, really think everything we're doing makes sense?

It never begins with the whole thing.
First, it is 1 meter high barrier, a light fence

Then you climb the stairs of segregación and control, and each step seem the normal height:
Would ANYONE in Western societies find any normal A WALL in the middle of Australia 2 years ago?

Now, it's happening, but hey, it's normal, is NewNormal, we're in the middle of a Pandemic, man.

Societies need to stand out of the dream: there's no such thing as a Pandemic logic.
There's only logic.

If it was monstrous in 2019, it STILL monstrous.

Break the spell.

It's not only our right to protest against this dangerous path, but our duty.

One of the levers used for restrictions applying is silent consensus mirage.
If you aren't protesting, you agree.

Make your voice heard.
Protest, never got random tested, do not apply for Passport.

It's not the time to accept the wall anymore.

We have to remember what it means.

And we have the right and the obligation to tear down the wall.
It will be harder with time, do not wait.

We've been told we are good citizens, at the right side of History, even #heroes, IF we believe the Pandemic panic and accomplish Covid mad restrictions.

At the devastating pain and harmful consequences of our acts, we have to carefully check which side we really are.

And it's not only Australia.
Madness moves so fast around globe
If you think you shouldn't move, cos this is not happening to you, you're wrong. It will. Or did you think you will use Curfew and Lockdown normally in a conversation?

Here, Nazi ghetto and Tallin, Estonia.


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