The Q Origins Project Profile picture
A close look at the earliest days of QAnon, showing Q's origins in, and relationship to, broader 4chan culture. WARNING: primary sources may be vile.

Sep 18, 2021, 6 tweets


1) Someone named “ArizQna” runs the Arizona audit watch channel. (Screenshot 1)

They then moved this channel, and its associated chats, to the “US audit watch” (screenshot 2).

ArizQna is the owner of the US audit watch channel and describes it as “our chat room.” They actively participate in discussions.

So right off the bat, we know that most of the discussion on Telegram is happening in a space created, and managed by, one of Q’s followers.

2) What about rank-and-file followers? I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED.

It’s not that all conversation revolves around Q drops — that’s just not how Q Telegram *talks* anymore, with the possible exception of MelQ and a few other diehards — but it DOES come up:

Note also this member saying that they’re starting to question this channel “like MelQ’s channel.”

And one of the most heated debates lately has been: what’s the deal with CodeMonkeyZ (i.e., Ron Watkins) — patriot or idiot?

3) Finally, I want to add that Q slogans and QAnon logic are *pretty noticeable themes* in the chat.

From “Boom!” to “it had to be this way & people are waking up now” to “you have to let it happen so you can catch them red-handed,” if you’ve seen it in QLand you’ll see it here.

P.S. While I was writing this, ArizQna added:

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