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Sep 19, 2021, 9 tweets

"For the benefit of those ladies who ask the right to smoke in public."
Puck magazine, 1908.

The nightmare of some Edwardian chaps; women having the same fun they were having!
But if you allow women to smoke... whatever next?!

Let's look at a few details, thread;

A widow, in stead of hiding indoors crying and mourning all day she's off to the pub, reading a police newspaper... did she bump off her husband?

Ah no, pesky kids, coming to bother mum while she's having a few drinks and smokes.
Go ask your dad!

The artist is showing us the hellish vision of women doing... well what a lot of chaps were doing!
What a self report ;)

These ladies are following the latest news that is coming in via a ticker... but shock horror, they're not worrying their pretty little heads over politics or something but over SPORTS!
That's man's stuff!

The name of the pub is quite shocking, the owner... appears to be... A WOMAN!
Shock horror!

They're even fighting... because that will happen if you allow women to smoke...

And this is the ultimate insult... the men are stuck in the backroom, out of the way, not bothering the women having their smokes, they can just sit in the parlour and talk about fashion or something.

All this and it's not even about women getting the vote...

Either way, this looks like an awesome pub.
Sorry gents, you get to sit in the parlour, ladies, join me at the bar, first round on me, bring your own smokes.

Oh final addition; I shall be smoking this pipe a dashing flyboy once gave me as a gift, can you see what it is supposed to be?

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