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Sep 19, 2021, 31 tweets

Ever since @BJP4India became a force to reckon with in 90s, one narrative that we grew up with after it was thrusted down our throats was that BJP is a Hindu Nationalist Party.

For Indira, BJP was a Baniya party and this Hindu identity was courtesy western media & continues!

The fixation of western media to allocate identities to political movements is ltd to non Christian countries ONLY-reason y US, despite Presidents taking oath under Bible or European countries ruled by several Christian parties,none of them is identified as disparagingly as BJP!

As majority of Muslim nations don’t have democracy so media is not obligated to call them so; in Muslim countries with some semblance of democracy- for ex in Pak, neither PMLN nor PPP is identified as disparagingly as BJP in India. Ditto for BD. Not much diff is case of Turkey!

So why is BJP identified with the majority religion of the country ?

Reason lies in d fact that for longest of times, west has developed a working relationship with Cong and its status-quoist approach. They know that Cong has NO ambition to give India its rightful place; BJP has

Prog of every party is known in advance & so is ideology. You can ask anyone about past narrative of Indian politics - Indira never called BJP a Hindu party- she uses to identify it as Baniya party and taking cue from her, India media used to do the same- so when did it change?

Label for BJP began changing only after entry of Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi in public space- latter was very much active between 84 & 89. Infact, if one were to really analyse post 80 reign of Indira, she played Hindu card & it started reducing only after death of Sanjay Gandhi!

Western media & mainly BBC would never do a program in 90s without calling BJP- a Hindu fundamentalist party- yes if I remember it correctly many of its anchors used to use that term- nationalist came later as BJP became a reality of India!

The narrative building around BJP began changing after PM @narendramodi entered the national scene and now BJPs ascension is openly linked to India’s secular identity - note this interview that @yogital gave to @CBSNews after BJP win in 2019!

We have now in the 4th stage of this narrative building - from Baniya party by Cong to Hindu Fundamentalist/ Nationalist party of western media to linking its rise to security and safety of Muslims & secular fabric of India to openly calling it as a country moving towards Nazism!

It will be foolhardy to laugh away the repeated usage of Nazi word with Hindutva and Brahmins at recently concluded DGH conference and next day comment of Moeed Yusuf on similar lines - check screenshots again and see the clear pattern- imagine a Pak NSA equating us with Nazis!

But why is west happy working with Cong?

Coz status-quoist Cong,ruled by an Italian, will NEVER challenge its hegemony; nor will it pose a threat. As against Cong,BJP under PM @narendramodi is both desirous as well as working for reclaim India’s rightful role & place-hence hate!

But how does narrative affect any Govt - well look no further in history but at Iran or recently in Afghanistan. I stumbled upon a tweet thread by @AshkanTweets on media portrayal of Ayotollah leading upto 1979 revolution- check this video abt how west showed Iran then!

Read the quoted tweet and check this report as to how after US decided to abandon Shah of Iran and support Ayotollah of Iran; western media began making a villain out of Shah- this is one finest examples of how media narrative has been used by west to overthrow regimes/ Govts

Ronald Reagan, on record, said many times, how it was wrong on the part of Carter administration, to have played a role in overthrowing Shah regime; but then it was too late- media narrative had led people in Iran to support a brutal Izlamizt like Ayotollah!

Freedom of Indian media and the vibrant Indian democracy is the biggest Insurance that we have against all the games that western deep-state is playing against Modi Govt in India via media but reality is that people are prone to misinformation n disinformation campaigns- chk next

It is power of western media & their narrative that Shah becomes a dictator overnight,after he refuses to support west with cheap oil or a twice democratically elected PM remains a PM of Hindu nationalist party & biggest of em’all-Hitler is never identified as Xtian when he was!

Not long ago, someone tweeted a picture of Hitler holding a Bible in his hand - you won’t imagine how entire western media from AP to Reuters was engaged in doing the fact check - everyone jumped to denounce the image as photoshopped!…

It was claimed that none such pic existed of Hitler - what they will NOT tell u is that how after his defeat - thanks to the directives laid out at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences of Allied powers, all propaganda material, photos, pictures or books etc were destroyed!

We all were made to believe that Hitler- born into a Catholic family- was an atheist when point no 24 of his Nazi party’s program clearly shows that Nazis were committed to positive Christianity!…

Even the much mentioned Swatiska of Nazis was named as such by Church but in reality it was actually a HOOKED cross - check this amazingly researched piece by @Aabhas24 - also this book by Erwin Lutzer proves it/ fact buried by western media as swatiska!

The western media and west that labels @narendramodi Govt as Hindu nationalist Govt of BJP, carefully erased all the memories of Hitler’s hobnobbing with church to help remove Jewish influences on Christian life- read this for more…

Hitler, was on course to set up a German church on the lines of Russian Orthodox Church - he added 2 commandments to 10 and Entjudungsinstitut set up by him was instrumental in this project. Infact German Evangelical Church was also set up during his times- but he was ATHEIST!

Do read this paper titled Hitler, Himmler, and Christianity in the Early Third Reich- will give u some information as to how to call Hitler an atheist is part of propaganda to limit the blame of Holocaust to Atheist Hitler and NOT Catholic Hitler!…

Laughable that this same west n it’s media hand out certificates to all n sundry!

Another great thread worth reading on connection between Nazis and Xtianity

This should also go here as it furthers the argument that Nazism was Xtian project but never identified as such, thanks to western propaganda

Imagine why would German ruled by an atheist Hitler open earlier closed churches in Soviet territory occupied by Germany - because he was NOT atheist but an Xtian!

Heavily catholic country Italy and a key Hitler ally -Mussolini -was a role model for Hitler- who kept his bust in his office. You know who was key Mussolini ally- Pope Pius XI & his Roman Catholic Church - so church supported both -Nazis & Fascists!…

In 1933, an agreement was signed b/w German Holy See and the Third Reich & Pope Pius can be seen seated. This marriage of convenience helped both- Hitler used it as sign international approval of the Nazi regime & Vatican protected church’s interests.…

All the reports of Jewish genocide was brushed under the carpet by Vatican by saying that Jews “easily exaggerate” and “Orientals”—a reference to Archbishop Sheptytsky—“are really not an example of honesty.”

This goes against this explanation by Vatican…

Vatican dismissed every report of Holocaust as they believed that Jews “easily exaggerate”.

The docs that Vatican kept hidden from everyone while publishing this report in Pope’s defence… proves anti-Semitism of Catholic Church & their support to Nazis!

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