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Sep 19, 2021, 20 tweets

It's all kicked off on George "Freedum" Square, with the bam faction of the Indy movement packing a couple of benches.

I think it was the promise of MORE speakers than the advertised 12 that brought so many out.

Can't believe so few turned out to see this riveting group of bams, SWiPs , transphobes and has beens though.

A friend on the square has counted 73 at ten mins in.

Twenty minutes in and the crowd has swollen, but all of them are hiding behind the monument.

Half an hour in and someone else has turned up.

Over three quarters of an hour in, and the huge crowd seems to be mostly out of shot.

An hour in and the crowd is swelling. Well, their ankles probably are.

An hour and a quarter in, and the bam wing of indy is enthralled by speaker after speaker saying things loudly.

An hour and a half in, and the pigeons have left...

Bammockburn Rising...

Two hours in and the latecomers seem to have been waylaid by a box set and a bag of chips somewhere...

Two and a quarter hours, and SWP paper sales are dreadful, and the bucket is rattling a little...

This really is like watching Alba Rising like someone with a slipped disc.

"Are we the baddies?" None of them thought, ever.

"No... it was the trains/weather/everyone is exhausted after yesterday/thousands watched it online..."

2 hrs 30 mins in and credit must go to those who have stayed this long.

Three full hours for some of these people. They may be few, but their senses are dulled enough to get through 12+ onstage bammery . 👏

The pigeons have come back. They sense "the end is nigh."

I think this is going to be the last. Look, I know as soon as we stop watching, thousands will turn up. But I need to turn my attention to interesting stuff, like watching grass grow, or kettles boiling.

OK... this is definitely the last. Wanted to check how many SWP paper sellers would stay in the rain. Looking like it is JUST those competitive cult kids left.

I think we can squeeze out one more paper, get Tahmee on again!

And it's all over until next year. Unless Sheridan, Findlay etc find some new excuse to rattle buckets, platform transphobes and rape apologists and misogynists and convicted liars...

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