David Steadson #NAFO 🇦🇺🇸🇪🇺🇦🇪🇺🌍 Profile picture
Digital Health Entrepreneur. Public health epidemiologist and former Uni researcher. #plantpowered 🌱 #kyokushin 🥋 #longcovid (mostly recovered)

Sep 19, 2021, 12 tweets

@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden has had magnitudes more deaths than their neighbours.

sources: Statems Serum Institut, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Folkehelseinstituttet, Folkhälsomyndigheten. graph by Oxford University, Our World in Data

@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden has had magnitudes more pressure on health care than their neighbours.
(sources as above)

@Mark_Blondin Fact: Swedish students in schools that remained open lost *more* reading ability compared to UK.

@Mark_Blondin Fact: For older kids, Sweden had schools closed for *longer* than the OECD average, and far more than it's neighbours.

@Mark_Blondin Fact: According to the Oxford Stringency Index, Sweden had more overall restrictions - for longer - than it's neighbours

@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden lost more in GDP than it's neighbours


@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden's unemployment rate increased significantly more than it's neighbours over the pandemic.

@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden tested less than their neighbours - and way less than Denmark.


@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden currently has the worst vaccination rate in the Nordics


@Mark_Blondin Fact: Prior to vaccine rollout (which dramatically decreased mortality everywhere), Sweden had *by far* the worst excess mortality in the Nordics.
sources: ourworldindata, euromomo

@Mark_Blondin Facts: compared to it's neighbours, Sweden has had

* more restrictions
* more hospitalisations
* more deaths
* more excess mortality
* worse unemployment
* worse GDP
* worse education
* worse vaccine rollout

So why do you worship Sweden, and not Finland, Denmark, or Norway?

@Mark_Blondin Fact: you don't know what you're talking about.

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