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Sep 19, 2021, 5 tweets

A huge group of antifa marched in Leipzig, Germany on Saturday & rioted. They smashed up businesses & cars along the way, & started fires in the streets.

Antifa from all over Germany descended on Leipzig yesterday to riot & intimidate the public in regards to a trial where one of their comrades is accused of violent crimes & assault. They created a short-lived autonomous zone to block police during riot.

Scenes of violence as antifa rioted in Leipzig, Germany on Saturday in support of a comrade on trial for masterminding & carrying out assault with deadly weapons on several victims at a restaurant.

Police in Leipzig used water cannons to disperse antifa rioters on Saturday who had smashed up property, made barriers in the street & started fires.

War-like scenes in Leipzig, Germany on Saturday as riot police respond to the violent, mass antifa gathering.

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