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Sep 19, 2021, 17 tweets

The first Indyref was a period of hope and astounding levels of political engagement, and obviously the following day crushing disappointment. Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of the referendum, many Independence Campaigners took part in the @believeinscot day of Action…

Many Politicians on both sides of the debate commented to mark the Anniversary, those on the Indy side led by @NicolaSturgeon generally lamented the loss, but vowed to keep the hope alive…

As you can imagine certain members of the @ScotTories Branch Office approached this anniversary with their customary lack of grace. None more so that agitator in Chief Murdo Fraser MSP with this typical (and totally lacking in self-awareness) contribution….

We find it inexplicable that any responsible adult, let alone a “Senior Politician” would choose to tweet about Division, Worry and Scars that have still not healed on the same day that this happens….

Marching Season is a festering wound on civilised society, just when we all think it has scabbed over around it comes…

The scab gets picked off again…

And this bigoted pus comes oozing out onto the streets of Glasgow…

Every year for over 200 years!

Of course Murdo Fraser doesn’t seem to mind THIS division, THESE unhealed scars, as long as it’s annual and regular division and unhealed scars, thinly disguised as a celebration of culture when it is in fact Anti-Catholic, Anti-Irish bigotry…

Why is that we wonder?...

To Murdo Fraser we would say this, some of us have Unionists among our friends and families, we still love them, we’re still friends with them, because we’re generally adults…

A personal relationship that would end over Politics…

Would probably have ended over Fitba’…

Would have probably ended over religion….

Would have probably ended over whichever was the next vacuous celebrity wannabe was just booted off of Love Island!

When a Friendship or Relationship can’t survive such a thing it always says more about that Friendship or Relationship than the Sporting, Religious, Cultural or indeed the Political climate it exists in….

We suspect that Murdo Fraser MSP’s intervention is another chance to revel in the disappointment on the Indy Movement in 2014, he seems find a reason to exercise it every year.

Just like his chums in the Orange Orders revel in the historic defeat of Catholics annually....

The historical genesis and constitutional raison d’etre” of the various groups of “Orangemen” lies in a vigorous celebration of historic triumph in battle over Roman Catholics and opposition to their faith.

The historical genesis of Murdo Fraser’s annual gloating lies in celebration of the (temporary) triumph over Independence Supporters and their cause.

In either case there’s no point pretending otherwise….

We suspect that what really rankles Murdo Fraser though...

What really gets under his skin...

What keeps him awake at night...

Is that defeat in Indyref 1 should have been the death of the SNP and the Indy Movement…

But as Murdo and his chums well know it was rather counter-intuitively the making of us…

Just like Ob-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, "strike us down and we have become more powerful than he could've possibly imagined"...

We look forward to a future as a Small, Successful, Fair, Inclusive, Tolerant, European, Independent Country. A future where these “annual celebrations” are consigned to history, along with their Cheerleader Murdo Fraser Ex MSP…

Until that day, the campaign continues...

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