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Sep 20, 2021, 31 tweets

#ShokoUNIVERSE Day One!!! Join Professor A Mare, Dr Lyton "Alacart" Ncube and Pearl Matibe three esteemed panelists unpacking how to fight fake news during the covid 19 pandemic.


Bernand Moyo: "Welcome in today's segment of #TheHubZW dubbed Infodemic fighting fake news during a pandemic."




Bernand Moyo: "Professor Mare may you kindly begin by unpacking what the term infodemic means?"





Professor Mare: "Infodemic is a combination of two words information and pandemic."





Professor Mare: "Basically it means getting information during pandemic."


Bernand Mpofu: "Dr Ncube may you kindly give as an academic view on how fake news is being peddled during the Covid-19 pandemic?"


Dr Lyton Ncube: "During the Covid-19 pandemic journalists have proved to be both victims and perpetrators of fake news."




Dr Lyton Ncube: "I  would like to say regarding this pandemic journalists what they have done for now  is try to amend or try to fight the challenges of misinformation and disinformation."





Dr Ncube: "Our journalists have found ways of reevaluating their news sources."





Dr Lyton Ncube: ""They have made an effort to examine the credibility of their sources by not just accepting what they encounter on social media platforms." 





Pearl Matibe: " But since you asked about the United States of America, even though President Biden is rolling out the vaccination programme all across America, he still has not convinced all of Americans to even get vaccinated." 

#TheHubZW .

Dr Lyton Ncube: " So indeed with regard to ethics this is the moment where journalists are trying to go back to ethics, trying to balance a number of issues.For now I will stop there thank you."





Bernard Mpofu: "Pearl coming from the international perspective how have international organisations been covering the pandemic?"


Pearl Matibe: "You are quite right this issue (infodemic) is not particular to Zimbabwe. It's all over the world, not only the United States of America."





Bernard Mpofu: "How has that played out in the United States?"


Pearl Matibe: "Part of the reason is that there is a vaccine hesitancy." 





Pearl Matibe: "Vaccine hesitancy is not only unique in the United States of America, we have seen also. We have seen places where there is a third surge for example in Africa, South Africa." 





Pearl Matibe: "In the United States the media is free to publish there is so much independent media here."





Pearl Matibe: "So you get everything across the spectrum from left wing media all the way up to right wing media."





Pearl Matibe: "What I find hopeful is fighting incorrect information with correct information."





Pearl Matibe: "The more you do not try to dispute incorrect information with correct information that means you are validating the other information that is out there."





Pearl Matibe: "That is a particular aspect for the discipline of communication."





Pearl Matibe: "There is a distinction between disinformation and misinformation. The distinction lies in the intent that the purveyor who would be sharing the information."





Pearl Matibe: "With misinformation it is false information that one spreads because they believe it to be true."





Pearl Matibe: "With disinformation it is false information that one intentionally spreads even if they know it's false because they want to deceive people."





Pearl Matibe: "Both of these two terms play into this issue which is infodemic because as Dr Mare already alluded to it can become quite viral."





Pearl Matibe: "And in the information age we are in right now it can spread pretty quickly so the question becomes whether the fourth estate has a particular role to play in putting out information for the public good."





Pearl Matibe: "Depending who is funding that media house, you have got private media (privately  owned media), and state media."





Pearl Matibe: "You have all kinds of propaganda going from various governments."


Pearl Matibe: "All governments across the world are trying to convince their citizens that they are doing what they can and some of the information they put out there is propaganda."





Pearl Matibe: "It is the role of the media to try and help the public understand what truth is no matter who is putting out the information."





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