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Academic piracy here. Social science: Substack: Nothing here represents Rutgers.

Sep 20, 2021, 10 tweets

Thread II: My Psych Today blogs on political bias and lack of intellectual/political diversity in academia.
This connects directly to Thread I, on the social psych of censorship.…

Back in the day, I had *some* hope of changing the hyperpartisanship massive political skew and bias in academia. Silly me.…

When I thought highlighting a problem might inspire solutions. Silly me.…

This way understates the problem. There are (literally) about 10x as many *radicals, activists, and Marxists* in the social sciences as Republicans and centrists *combined* (tho this varies by field).…

The Personal Experiences with Liberal Bias Trilogy:
1. Grant rejected when it proposed to study liberal bias in psych.
2. We left methods identical, but, instead of liberal bias, we denounced Charles Murray and Nazis.
That got funded.…

We performed a study showing libs were more biased than cons. Could not get that published. Left in all the results but did not mention that libs were more biased than cons.
That got published.…

When Stanford Psych went apopleptic when I presented data on the accuracy of stereotypes.…

Review of the Grievance Studies Sting: When academia was found to LOVE stuff like "to overcome patriarchy, we should chain men like dogs" and "social justice cannot be mocked."…

Academia could do something about this, if it wanted to. Its not hard. It does not want to.…

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