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"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Sep 21, 2021, 7 tweets

New poll data! @MPRnews/@StarTribune/@kare11/FRONTLINE Minnesota find a plurality of Minnesota voters believe #COVID19 restrictions in their area were “about right,” with 30% saying they went “too far” and 26% saying “not far enough.” mprnews.org/story/2021/09/…

@MPRnews @StarTribune Here’s how various demographic subgroups broke down on the question of #COVID19 restrictions. “About right” was the dominant feeling in most groups, including (by a slim margin) Republicans. Residents of Northern MN were likely to say they went too far; Democrats not far enough.

@MPRnews @StarTribune Our poll asked these registered voters if they had taken the #COVID19 vaccine. 80% said yes. That’s a little higher than the CDC’s count of vaccinated 18+ Minnesotans — but remember this poll is only of registered voters. Vax rates may be lower among nonvoters.

@MPRnews @StarTribune Also striking: we found self-reported vaccination rates to be lower among Independents than among Republicans: mprnews.org/story/2021/09/…

@MPRnews @StarTribune We found Minnesotans were divided about vaccine requirements to attend public events or return to in-person work. But this division was driven by near-universal opposition among the 20% who are unvaccinated. Sizable majorities of vaccined Minnesotans back the mandates:

@MPRnews @StarTribune @timpugmire Worth noting as an addendum that this poll didn’t “push” independents to align with the party they lean toward.

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