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Sep 21, 2021, 41 tweets

Today there was a presscon from the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany. Lead by Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt & Prof. Dr. Walter presented the results of the autopsies of ten people who died after COVID19 vaccination. #CovidVaccine

(2/n) In addition, new microscopic analyses of an Austrian research group on the ingredients of the vaccines were presented.
Here is a summary of the highlights. #CovidVaccine

(3/n) 10 autopsies, 8 evaluations.
(Slide text translated into English) #CovidVaccine

(3/n) 10 autopsies, 8 evaluations.
(Slide text translated into English). 5 were categorized as “very likely association” due to vaccine #CovidVaccine

(5/n) Key findings. From Myocardities, Pericarditis, etc
(Slide text translated into English) #CovidVaccine

(6/n) Tissue with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Example 1. #CovidVaccine

(7/n) Tissue with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed. The muscle fibres are destroyed.
Example 2. #CovidVaccine

(8/n) Tissue with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Example 3. #CovidVaccine

(9/n) Tissue with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Lined up lymphocytes.
Example 4. #CovidVaccine

(10/n) Tissue (epicardium) with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Example 5. #CovidVaccine

(11/n) Tissue (epicardium) with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Example 6. #CovidVaccine

(12/n) Alveolitis with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
Example 7. #CovidVaccine

(13/n) Suspected side effects: autoimmune, influence on cancer growth!!, vascular damage, etc #CovidVaccine

(14/n) Detachment of endothelial cells from the vessel wall.
Example 1. #CovidVaccine

(15/n) Detachment of endothelial cells from the vessel wall.
Example 2. #CovidVaccine

(16/n) Erythrocyte clumping inside a vessel. Thrombosis.
Example 1. #CovidVaccine

(17/n) Erythrocyte clumping inside a vessel. Thrombosis.
Example 2. #CovidVaccine

(18/n) Vessel with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes).
Example 1. #CovidVaccine

(19/n) Vessel with lymphocytic infiltration.
(Blue dots: lymphocytes).
Example 2. #CovidVaccine

(20/n) Foreign bodies, contaminants, adjuvants in the vaccine.
Microscopic examination of particles of unknown nature.
Example: #CovidVaccine

(21/n) A foreign bodies in inflamed lung tissue.
Similar to bone marrow embolism after bone fracture.
Inflammatory giant cells are visible. #CovidVaccine

(22/n) Highly inflamed lung tissue with a foreign body. #CovidVaccine

(23/n) Dark field microscopy image of the tissue with the foreign body. Is the foreign body from the vaccine? #CovidVaccine

(24/n) There is a problem with recording lethal vaccination side effects: #CovidVaccine

(1/n) From todays press conference at the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany: microscopic images of an Austrian research group investigating the vaccines
Video: (in German)
There are foreign bodies in the #CovidVaccines
Example 1

(3/n) Example 3
A triangular foreign body that was often found in various samples.#CovidVaccine

(4/n) Example 4
Blood tests of vaccinated persons.
A fibrous foreign body. Example 1 #CovidVaccine

(5/n) Example 5
Blood tests of vaccinated persons.
A fibrous foreign body. Example 2. #CovidVaccine

(6/n) Example 6
Blood of a vaccinated person with health problems after vaccination. Erythrocytes not in good condition. A granolucyte is visible. #CovidVaccine

(7/n) Example 7
Blood of a vaccinated person. A fibrous foreign body can be seen. #CovidVaccine

(8/n) Example 8
Blood of a vaccinated person. Foreign body are visible. #CovidVaccine

(9/n) Example 9
Blood of a vaccinated person. A fibrous foreign body can be seen. #CovidVaccine

(10/n) Example 10
Blood of a vaccinated person. An unusual shaped foreign body can be seen. #CovidVaccine

(11/n) Example 11
Dried up vaccine. What are the white dots? #CovidVaccine

Example 12-13-14 #CovidVaccine

(15/n) Example 15
The AstraZeneka vaccine shows special foreign bodies. Thread-like; like a string of pearls #CovidVaccine

Example 16-19 #CovidVaccine

(20/n) Example 20
A rombus-shapedforeign body #CovidVaccine

What are these foreign bodies?
What are they made of?
What is their pathophysiological significance?
Are they hazardous to health?
Does the quality control of vaccine production not work?
Why were they not discovered/reported by the regulatory authorities? #CovidVaccine

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