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We envision a world where technology supports our shared well-being, sense-making, democracy, and ability to tackle complex global challenges.

Sep 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Ever wondered what all that time on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok was doing to you⁠—and society?

Here’s an #infographic on what you need to know about the dark side of social media. (Follow the 6 part thread for close ups of the bigger file)

Social media’s harms form a continuum that runs from personal tragedy to large-scale loss. How has it affected you and your community? #Infographic 2/6

Let’s get to the root of social media’s harmful model: Our attention is being put up for sale. #infographic 3/6

In an attention economy, we can’t afford to do nothing. The stakes are high for humanity if we fail to address social media’s effects. #infographic 4/6

A band aid just won’t do. The harms we face from the apps we use are serious. #Infographic 5/6

It's essential we coordinate to take action. Here are some of the things we can call for to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and society in the face of runaway persuasive technology. #Infographic 6/6

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