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Sep 21, 2021, 15 tweets

🚨 BREAKING: Scotland Yard has charged the suspected ringleader of the gang of Russian agents who carried out the Novichok attack in Salisbury in 2018…

🔴Denis Sergeev, a senior military intelligence officer who used the alias Sergey Fedotov, is accused of being part of the team who deployed a deadly nerve agent in an attempt to murder the Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia…

🚨 Sergeev allegedly carried out the attack alongside his fellow GRU operatives, Anatoliy Chepiga and Alexander Mishkin, who were charged by the Crown Prosecution Service under their aliases Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov in September 2018

🔴Here's what we know about Denis Sergeev

Read the full story from @evansma ⤵️…

🕐After landing at Heathrow Airport at 11am on Friday 2nd March 2018, Sergeev checked into a central London hotel…

🔴Around four hours later the other two members of the unit flew into Gatwick and headed to the City Stay Hotel in Bow, East London…

🔴It's thought Sergeev travelled to Oxford Circus and Embankment as well as other locations around the capital as the final stages of the plan was allegedly being put into action…

📲Analysis of his movements and communications while in the UK, established that Sergeev connected to the internet hundreds of times but avoided using any Wi-fi networks, as he sought to avoid detection…

➡️On Saturday Mar 3, Chepiga and Mishkin travelled by train to Salisbury on what is believed to have been a reconnaissance mission, returning to London later that day.

It is not thought Sergeev travelled to Salisbury…

🔴The following day the pair, wearing different clothing made the identical journey for a second time, this time placing the Novichok on the door handle of Skripal's Salisbury home…

In addition to poisoning Mr Skripal and his daughter, Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who was the first officer to attend the former Russian agent's home was left critically ill…

🔴Four months later however, the nerve agent cost the life of local mother-of-three Dawn Sturgess after her partner Charlie Rowley found a discarded bottle of perfume which had been used to transport the Novichok…

✈️Sergeev left the UK on the afternoon of Sunday Mar 4, while Chepiga and Mishkin were still in Salisbury, boarding the 1.45pm flight from Heathrow to Moscow…

Read the full story from @evansma ⤵️…

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