Robert Young Pelton Profile picture
Still Alive.

Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

Who wants to tell Erik that they didn't do a good job of hiding his plane in Cyprus after they fled Jordan. Wrong aircraft in photo BTW…

Cyprus is T7 SAW (deregistered) aka S2R-H80 c/n H80-156DC. A two seater made in 2014-05-16 formerly N62080. When Erik pimped his homemade war plane in Malta, San Marino cancelled the registry. 2R-H80 H80-161DC aka LZ SAX 2014-06-23 formerly N62082, was/is still hidden in Uganda

Erik dumped both his Thrush toys for ten bucks each after he got sweated for ITAR violations and then Uganda one magically popped up on Google Earth at Nakasongola. Funny about that.

It gets worse. Prince has pimped these modified planes in numerous secret mercenary PowerPoints and websites in a desperate attempt to get anyone, I mean anyone, to hire him to kill people with his toys. Haftar wanted people Joe Erik Prince Action PowerPoint!

Despite such ignoble violent rental fuckery foisted on a great airframe, Leland Snow, the designer of the original Air Tractor/Thrush crop duster deserves some respect.…

T7 SAX saga:
FSG Aviation operated by LASA (proxy)
July 31 2015 registered as LZ SAX
Dry lease from FSG Aviation BVI
Sept 29, 2016 sold by FSG to ULL24 (same as LASA)
Mar 10, 2017 bought by LASA
Aug 16, 2018 Reg as YU THS by Gas Aviation Serbia
June 19, 2019 Sold to F6 LZE

I know two of the people Erik's crew was hired to kill. I interviewed Sniper Sam Najaar on camera. He thought it was funny that they would spend all that money and all that tech to try to kill him. He's handled bigger problems.

Imma slot this reminder of Erik's mercenary army assassin quals. I also think towhead maxed out on the ExploreTalent honeypots free casting calls.

The idea of a faux journalist pretending to be a wannabe assassin at mommies ranch is a reflection of the fuckedupness oozing out of these people.

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