Robert Young Pelton Profile picture
Still Alive.
54 subscribers
Dec 9 14 tweets 6 min read
As I suggested last month, why not expand your reading list to include how people can be creative against oppressive dunces?… Autocratic and fascist regimes require subjects to "obey". Sometimes they don't.…
Dec 8 6 tweets 3 min read
Billionaire Peter Thiel starts laying out his plan to destroy social security at around 6 minutes. Keep in mind that people pay into SS throughout their career. At age 70, the maximum benefit is $4,873 per month. Thiel equates Silicon Valley is to Wokeism as Saudi oil is to Wahhabism. He can't decide which country or state he wants to move to to get zero tax. The man is worth $14 billion. Instead of worrying about how to skint the system, he wants to destroy it.…
Dec 6 7 tweets 4 min read
As I said before, America got Brexited. I encourage President Biden to lay bare the expenditures and media plans of both parties.… In Romania, "influencers" were paid by foreign operatives around $85 per post to add three hashtags for every 20,000 followers they had on Tik Tok. The same methodology can be used in the US to reverse engineer who was synced to paid messages. Image
Nov 28 5 tweets 3 min read
Pete "Puddin" It in" Hegseth appeals to our sympathies but he should be feeling the leading edge of a growing insurgency in America. He was in Iraq. He should know how it goes. Those of us who have spent time in Iraq can feel it. The initial attacks are usually designed to cause missteps in reactions, later ones to deal significant blows. Trump already has an armed circus complete with anti drone tech. Will it get worse come January? Image
Nov 25 15 tweets 5 min read
Nixon demanded suitcases of cash from business backers and the mob. The ex-CIA "Plumbers" did numerous illegal tasks and their roots were in his old VP-era Operation 40 era Bay of Pigs program. Yes, he was our first crook-in-chief. Watergate was just the gig he got caught for. Yeah....irony.…
Nov 20 8 tweets 4 min read
Trump is the chosen one to destroy the United States. Mercenaries who will suffer no shame when we are kneecapped, confused, bickering, impoverished, isolated and scared...then autocracy will over. This is the wish of our foreign enemies. Obey.… A lot of smart people have spent a lot of time trying to explain that MAGA is a foreign virus that requires reading, organizing and a lot of effort to stamp out. Just like Brexit , America was played. Elon and the oligarchs took over Russia's dirty…
Nov 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Forget Low Information Voters. Forget No-Information Voters. We are in the era of Fake Information Voters.

Yes America, you were Brexited.… We are used to our own government propagandizing certain topics but this problem is from outside through social media and direct marketing. Hostile foreign operations at a level below warfare. Image
Nov 17 6 tweets 3 min read
Trump seems 50’s closet gay:


Favorite song is about young men sleeping together
Lives in whorehouses Liberace would go “ick” at
His old Queen hair
His old Queen makeup
His rented beard wife
Obsession with bag boys
His first lawyer
There are probably a lot more. Image Why did I bring this up? Like queer Roy Cohn who viciously went after gays Trump is going destroy the right of gays to marry and be happy.…
Nov 17 6 tweets 2 min read
Wendy has stumbled into a fuckery factory. Now the question? Why would Cambridge Analytica's assets be worth anything to foreign nations? Why: Voter suppression. Something that has brutal consequences in undeveloped nations and financial benefits in developed nations. Remember 2016? Rich split trader guy with tax problems goes hard to elect Trump.…
Nov 15 4 tweets 2 min read
The internet never forgets. Pete Hegseth is a Koch Tool. Groomed to privatize.

I spose there is a reason why some of the "family values" groomed pretty boys never make it to the major leagues and end up on TV.
Nov 11 5 tweets 2 min read
"The election campaign is over. To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them."
- Nikolay Patrushev Putin aide… FYI. TASS also says Foriegn Hostage Visas will be simplified.…
Nov 7 15 tweets 5 min read
For those who are still wondering "what the hell happened," I direct you to study the active measures campaign called Brexit (Leave EU). Also the psychographic targeting and the Russian investment to divide and conquer.… The second step is to identify the bad actors. And yes there are a lot. Domestic and foriegn. Now senile Trump is focused on dividing and degrading the federal system to benefit our enemies. Orban is key because he launders Russian money into EU and US
Oct 26 7 tweets 3 min read
Grampa is on one of those new fangled podcasts. The bald guy is pitchin' them slow. Grampa still can't catch them. He did better with the seat sniffer. Rogan is doing his best. But there is something wrong with his guest.
Oct 18 6 tweets 2 min read
The "PayPal Mafia" wanted to overthrow the dollar, and failed. Now they want to overthrow the government.... by backing Donald Trump.… Thiel looks like a sweaty leather bar robot that needs a OS update and some servicing. Publicly he says he doesn't support Trump. Sorta. That's cuz JD the pinch hitter aka Rust Belt Rent Boy is his boy.…
Oct 7 4 tweets 3 min read
Question. Could the Heritage political hire data base be used to recruit crisis actors? The new Explore Talent? Veritas and Rudy used a number of recruits (mostly women) from Explore Talent. They became Crisis Actors. Image
Sep 29 14 tweets 6 min read
Not really a watch guy but I know about money laundering. Donny has a shit pimp faux Rolex case with an OEM Tourbillion movement. If he gets paid $100k times 147 up front that's a $14,700,000 minus the $50K-150K cost.…

I should mention that a there is a lot of photoshop involved (including clunky type overlays) He should stick to "digital" trading cards where you get nothing but a digital file and he pockets the money. There is a surprise in every box. Image
Sep 6 15 tweets 8 min read
Before there was the DoJ indictments there were actual scientists analyzing Russian disinfo on Twitter. RT's job was to get suckers and paid spies to retweet.…
Image There are a lot of ways to look at hostile efforts by Russia to confuse, weaken and divide their enemies (us) Here is a "hate map"…
Aug 23 4 tweets 2 min read
December 2016: Read the intercepted transcripts of U.S. miltiary General and Former intel head Flynn working out back door deals with the Russians to appease them. He later lied to the FBI. And was pardoned by Trump.…
Image The Cliff Notes version. Flynn had been radicalized and managed to combine hustling nukes for Saudis with an alliance with Russia against "terrorists. Didn't help that a Neocon and Israeli asset wrote his jihad book.…
Aug 22 7 tweets 3 min read
Done shit. Seen shit. Been places. Loved the living. Honored the dead. So I am officially someone with common sense. America let’s not fuck up this election. I want at least a 12 hour hop to a dangerous place.

Trump’s deplorables are doing the same thing they do in shitholes before coups. Create fictional excuses to seize power due to “cheating” or “stealing” the election.He has no other option than to stoke violence. He knows he will lose…
Aug 18 13 tweets 5 min read
January 10, 2017. Tom Barrack has a meeting about the inauguration event in which any donors and anonymous LLCs can blow as much as they want on Donny's party. Melania is in charge of the $107 Million dosh party. "its a coronation"… January 15, 2017. $10 million in U.S. 100 dollar bills from the Egyptian Intelligence service via an Egyptian state bank is flown from Cairo to the U.S. Might as well get rid of those moldy Benjamins. Right?…
Aug 12 9 tweets 3 min read
"In 2008, an Egyptian man bought an opulent 10,400-square-foot mansion on famed Rodeo Drive. Sale price.$10.3 million.

Six weeks later, he transferred the mansion to a shell company set up by a brash New York billionaire – for no money at all."… Shit is complicated. Oh look Elliott Broidy.