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Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

🛒Shoppers face a shortage of meat and even ready-made pizzas long before Christmas if the carbon dioxide crisis continues…

🔴The British Retail Consortium, which represents the major chains, said it expected to see food shortages by the end of the week

Pork suppliers have warned of "farmageddon" within 10 days.

🐷Pig farmers have threatened to slaughter animals on their land for render because of a growing backlog at abattoirs and processing plants due to the CO2 shortage

Carbon dioxide has a variety of critical uses in the food and drink industry including:

🍻Putting fizz into beer
🥩Stunning and killing animals for meat
🥗 In packaging to lengthen the shelf life of fresh foods…

The UK has been hit by a shortage due to the closure of two fertiliser plants, which manufactured the gas in vast quantities as a by-product.

🏭The plants, which made about 60% of the UK's Co2 supply, ceased production after the spike in gas prices made them uneconomical to run

🍕One supermarket chain said that products such as ready-made pizzas could be at risk if the problems were not resolved swiftly, as processed cheese is already being disrupted…

🥤Separately, the owner of Tango, 7UP and Mountain Dew, which also makes and distributes Pepsi and Pepsi Max, is already looking to source additional gas from alternative suppliers…

Read the full report 👇…

🔥Do you have a question about the energy crisis?

Whether it's about how it will impact you or about the industry, you can leave it in the form below for one of our experts to answer in our Q&A on Wednesday 👇…

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