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Updates on 2A cases, groups, news, bills, etc. Powered by @gunpolicy. Litigation & Intelligence Coordinator @FPCAction. Views expressed are mine alone

Sep 21, 2021, 15 tweets

VPC's amicus brief makes the exact arguments you'd expect a gun control group stuck in the 90s to make:

Apparently concealed carry needs to be banned both because it will cause lots of murders and also because handguns are hard to handle and shoot accurately

No idea how anecdotal evidence is a rebuttal to "this group of people commits less crime than the public as a whole"

Like I said: Stuck in the 90s

VPC complains about "high-capacity pistols" with 10 round magazines:

VPC complains about "semiautomatic assault pistols" that people are "hosing down" neighborhoods with:

VPC is worried about the many people who will apparently carry S&W 500s if concealed carry is allowed:

VPC complains about hollow-point ammo, which the police overwhelmingly use because it's less likely to injure bystanders than other types:

"Handguns are in fact the least effective firearm for self-defense for all but a small group of individuals, such as police officers, who are well trained and maintain their skills with regular and intensive practice."

Source: Some gun guy in 1998

Weird argument to make if you just complained about hollow-point ammo

No idea how suicides are relevant to the ability to carry a handgun you already own in public

Anecdotal, and specifically avoids comparing that number to the public at large

No idea why they thought using multiple examples from New York would help their argument

VPC says "widespread devastation and death" will ensue if New York joins the 40+ other states with shall-issue carry:

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