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The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems.

Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

The House Oversight Committee has called on major fossil fuel company CEOs and lobbying groups to appear before Congress on 10/28 & answer for their #ClimateDisinformation campaigns. They have until 9/23 to confirm. RT this thread to keep the pressure on. act.ucsusa.org/3Ewiu3A

.@Chevron CEO Michael Wirth must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. It’s time to answer for Big Oil’s decades of #ClimateDeception. act.ucsusa.org/3zoNFtP

.@exxonmobil CEO Darren Woods must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. It’s time to answer for Big Oil’s decades of deception. #ExxonKnew #MakeThemPay. act.ucsusa.org/3nTU7qL

.@bp_America CEO David Lawler must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. It’s time to answer for Big Oil’s decades of #ClimateDeception. act.ucsusa.org/3Cwpnjv

.@Shell President Gretchen Watkins must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. It’s time to answer for Big Oil’s decades of deception. act.ucsusa.org/3CvYEnk

.@APIEnergy President @mj_sommers must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. API has masterminded climate disinformation and delay since the 1960s. It’s time to answer for Big Oil’s decades of #ClimateDeception. act.ucsusa.org/3zupY3w

.@USChamber President and CEO @SuzanneUSCC must commit NOW to appearing before Congress. It’s time to answer for the Chamber’s decades of #ClimateDeception. act.ucsusa.org/39mWOIL

For more, see UCS’s #ClimateDeception Dossiers cited by the House Oversight Committee in its letters to all of the #FossilFuel companies and lobby groups. act.ucsusa.org/38Ry3Wh

For more on what #ExxonKnew, see the groundbreaking UCS report cited by the House Oversight Committee: “Smoke, Mirrors, and Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco’s Tactics to Manufacture Uncertainty on Climate Science.” act.ucsusa.org/39pBtic

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