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Sep 21, 2021, 15 tweets

Just started Max Chafkin's new Peter Thiel book ("The Contrarian"). In anticipation of it, also re-read Thiel's 2014 Reddit AMA...tons of interesting answers.

THREAD: Here are 10 of them including on Elon, MBAs, Facebook, Bitcoin and Palantir.

1/ Thiel's first impression of Elon

2/ Thiel's biggest investing mistake was not doubling down on Facebook (he also sold 80% of stake shortly after FB's IPO, at about $20 a's now >$350)

3/ Thiel's "ban" on hiring MBAs

4/ Thiel's rationale for investing in SpaceX

5/ Thiel's reaction to the movie "The Social Network"

6/ Thiel's own answer to his famous question: "What is one thing you believe is true that most people don't"

7/ Thiel on whether or not he'll invest in someone wearing a suit

8/ Thiel on whether the Thiel Fellowship was a success

9/ Thiel's 2014 bull case for Bitcoin was around payments

10/ And prob the funniest answer

11/ If you enjoyed that, I write threads on business and tech 1-2x per week.

Follow @TrungTPhan to catch them in your feed.

Here's a related one you might like on Elon and SpaceX:

12/ Here is the original AMA (and, yes, I know some of the answers reflect his takes from "Zero To One")


Def check out Max Chafkin's "The Contrarian"…

13/ SIDE NOTE 1: An excerpt from "The Contrarian" updates the current Thiel & Zuck relationship:


14/ SIDE NOTE 2: Another excerpt from "The Contrarian" describes the current relationship between Elon and Thiel:

"Musk thinks Peter is a sociopath and Peter thinks Musk is a fraud and braggart."

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