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FR : @LaScienceDAbord Together against misinformation. #ScienceUpFirst / #LaSciencedAbord

Sep 21, 2021, 8 tweets

Want to level up your Googling? 🆙

Check out these helpful shortcuts for getting the information you are looking for!

This thread was inspired by @chrishlad:

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit

Looking for something on a specific website? Use site:

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


Search results on the wrong track? You can limit unwanted terms by putting a minus sign in front.

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


Quotation marks can help you get exactly what you are looking for.

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


Here’s how to get location-specific results!

Sidenote: drop your poutine spot below.

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


This is a great hack for any science communicator! We are always in search of free pdfs.

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit #SciComm


This one is helpful if you are looking for something within a specific range. It can be a date, weight, price… any unit of measure!

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


With Google Advanced Search you can use all these shortcuts in one!

Did we miss any good Googling tips? Let us know!

Annnnd check out our website for credible public health sources:

#ScienceUpFirst #SciLit


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