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@MarijuanaMoment journalist. 20+ years in cannabis reform. tomangell@gmail Link primary source documents, you cowards Don't ask me about stocks. I don't care.

Sep 21, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING: The House Rules Committee just cleared an NDAA amendment on marijuana banking for a floor vote—expected later this week.

BUT a separate measure on research on the benefits of psychedelics for active duty military members was blocked.…

Interesting marijuana policy note:

Of the 475 amendments the Rules Committee just made in order on NDAA, #SAFEBanking is listed as *number one*…

UPDATE: Cannabis banking amendment could be debated on House floor as soon as tonight

After 10 min debate, there will be a voice vote. After that, any member can request a recorded vote, which would be expected Wed

If no one calls for the roll, it can pass on voice vote alone

That said, the debate might not happen tonight and would then slide into tomorrow. We just don’t know yet, but you know that @MarijuanaMoment will be monitoring the situation and breaking it down for you as soon as we can.

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@MarijuanaMoment NOW: The House is beginning one hour of general debate on NDAA.

After that, the body will turn to amendments—the first of which is expected to be cannabis banking.

#SAFEBanking could pass on voice vote tonight, or on a roll call tomorrow if requested by any member.

@MarijuanaMoment HAPPENING NOW:

The US House of Representatives is debating a marijuana banking amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.

Background info:…

@MarijuanaMoment JUST NOW: The House of Representatives approved a marijuana banking amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act

It passed on a voice vote & no member requested a roll call

It’s now attached to the bill

On to the Senate (after NDAA passes House)…

@MarijuanaMoment QUESTION:

who brings you the cannabis news—quickly, accurately, with context, even late at night—like Marijuana Moment does?

SPOILER: nobody. not a single other mainstream or niche outlet.

if you want us to keep doing this, please support the work:

@MarijuanaMoment Just UPDATED our story to include quotes from—and the full video of—the House floor debate on and passage of the cannabis banking amendment.


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