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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Sep 21, 2021, 17 tweets

THREAD: It wasn’t only Twitter & Facebook that were trying to throw the election through their manipulation of information. Dozens of blue check progressives circulated fake news that the Hunter story was “disinformation.” These people should be shamed. 1)

2) @AnandWrites, who seems to have deleted the tweet. (Fortunately I saved a copy)

@AnandWrites 3) Journalist @WajahatAli celebrated the censorship of his media colleagues’ reporting on the false grounds it was “Russian disinformation”

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli 4) Another ostensible journalist, @brooklynmarie, cheered on Twitter blocking its users from sharing accurate reporting into Hunter’s corrupt business dealings

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie 5) NBC reporter @HeidiNBC warned media outlets it would reflect badly upon them if they ran the Hunter “disinformation”

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC 6) Another journalist favoring censorship, @chipfranklin, host of “Inside the Beltway,” urged his hundreds of thousands of followers to praise Twitter for suppressing the damaging Hunter Biden reporting

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC @chipfranklin 7) Perhaps the biggest single source of the Hunter “disinformation” fake news was none other than @brhodes, who has actually bragged about his ability to manipulate gullible reporters

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC @chipfranklin @brhodes 8) Of course the guy who gets everything wrong, @MaxBoot, also got this wrong, but at least he threw in an unusaully cautious “possibly” to give himself some cover

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC @chipfranklin @brhodes @MaxBoot 9) MSNBC’s Naveed Jamali, whose "spidey senses" could use some sharpening, has deleted this tweet:

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC @chipfranklin @brhodes @MaxBoot 10) What’s disturbing is the quantity of left-wing journalists who actively celebrated the suppression of a conservative media outlet. Such as the editors at @MotherJones

@AnandWrites @WajahatAli @brooklynmarie @HeidiNBC @chipfranklin @brhodes @MaxBoot @MotherJones 11) CNN’s @brianstelter ran a whole segment spreading this fake news

12) CNN's @wolfblitzer told his viewers: "We do know that it's a very active Russian campaign, and that's according to the U.S. intelligence community."

13) MSNBC's @KatyTurNBC & @KenDilanianNBC were likewise happy to see the NY Post's "dangerous" reporting buried just weeks before the election [video via @newsbusters]

@KatyTurNBC @KenDilanianNBC @newsbusters 14) On October 28, 2020, Twitter’s @Jack Dorsey admitted he had no evidence the NY Post story was “disinformation,” despite having preemptively censored it

@KatyTurNBC @KenDilanianNBC @newsbusters @jack 15) Citing no evidence, Morning Joe regular Dave @Aronberg claimed the NY Post report “looks like it’s tied to Vladimir Putin in Moscow.”

@KatyTurNBC @KenDilanianNBC @newsbusters @jack @aronberg 16) Because these emails came via Rudy Giuliani, @ChrisMurphyCT already knew enough to proclaim "this is most likely Russian propaganda"

@KatyTurNBC @KenDilanianNBC @newsbusters @jack @aronberg @ChrisMurphyCT 17) On Oct. 15, 2020, Sen. @ChrisCoons, who refuses to change his racially insensitive name, praised Twitter’s censorship & said he wished social media companies had been as censorious during the 2016 campaign

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