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Sep 21, 2021, 8 tweets

🌹Which of the 27 designs won RHS Chelsea Flower Show Gold medals and which has been crowned Best in Show?

And what makes them so special? It’s all in the details…

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🪴This year’s unique show, taking place in September instead of in spring for the first time in the show’s 108-year history, presented a challenge to designers.

Happily, they have risen to the occasion with chutzpah, (we are a nation of 30 million gardeners, after all)

🏆The Guangzhou Garden, by Peter Chmiel and Chin-Jung Chen, won best in show.

Designed to promote cleaner water and air, it features a woodland dell, shelter for wildlife and social spaces for people to gather

🌱Addressing climate change and the growth of mega-cities, this timely garden shines a light on the need for holistic, responsible city planning…

🥇The M&G garden, by Charlotte Harris and Hugo Bugg, won a Gold medal.

The designers show how reclaimed urban and industrial materials can be reimagined anew in a way that is both sustainable and beautiful

🌼The M&G garden features a sculpture of more than 100 linear metres of repurposed metal pipes, weaving through plants, trees and water…

🥇The Yeo Valley Organic Garden, by Tom Massey with support from Sarah Mead, also won a Gold medal.

It has been designed with soil biodiversity and pollinators in mind

♻️The materials used in the landscape have all been sourced from the original garden — sending out a loud and clear message of sustainability.

Read all about the finer details here:…

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